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The Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS) is a federal investigative and protective program established to carry out the Coast Guard's internal and external criminal investigations; to assist in providing personal security services; to protect the welfare of Coast Guard people; to aid in preserving the internal integrity of the Coast Guard; and to support Coast Guard missions worldwide.

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The Coast Guard Investigative Service is a centralized directorship managed by a professional criminal investigator who reports to the Assistant Commandant for Operations. The Coast Guard Investigative Service is located outside the Coast Guard's operational chain of command. This allows consistency in investigative policy, procedure, training and education, in full compliance with the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency report titled: Quality Standards for Investigations.

CGIS is primarily made up of three groups of individuals:

1.  USCG Active duty Warrant and Petty Officers.  These individuals are of different specialties and ratings and rotate into CGIS for a tour of duty or consecutive tours of duty.   These individuals have served in the Coast Guard and are selected for CGIS on a "best qualified" basis.  CWO positions are normally filled by enlisted Special Agents appointed to CWO. Enlisted personnel must be E-6 and above to apply. Each summer, CGIS solicits for applicants to fill enlisted active duty positions. Application package and eligibility requirements are summarized in the ALCGENL message
http://www.uscg.mil/hq/g-o/g-o-cgis/ALCGENL 021 02.doc.

2.  USCG Reserve Personnel.  These personnel are Warrant Officers (Port Security Specialist) and Petty Officers  serving in the Reserve Investigator Rating (IV).  Personnel interested in joining the Coast Guard Reserve should visit the CG Reserve Web Page for more information.

3.  Full-time civilian - GS-1811 Series Criminal Investigators / Special Agents.  These personnel are hired from qualified civilian applicants.  Generally, law enforcement experience is required to be hired by CGIS.  Once hired, they will receive additional law enforcement training as necessary and be eligible for assignment throughout the U.S. and its territories.  Job openings are based on the needs of the service and follow regular government hiring practices.  The job openings are announced under the title, "Criminal Investigator" on the Coast Guard Personnel Command website http://www.uscg.mil/hq/cgpc/cpm/jobs/vacancy.htm and the U. S. Government's Office of Personnel Management Web Site

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Last updated on: 15 August 2003