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Note: Items marked with a star (*) are linked to the glossary*. If you want to know the meaning of a word marked with a star (*), just click on the word and look for its definition.

Cool Stuff To Do!
Make a pair of 3D glasses!
[3D!]  [3D!]  [3D!]  [3D!]  [3D!]  [3D!] 
Want to construct your own cool one-of-a-kind 3D glasses? Click here to get an instruction page to color, cut out, and glue together... print the page out and you're ready to start! 
[3D!] [3D!] [3D!] [3D!] [3D!] [3D!] 

Create a 3D Interactive World! 

Click here to create your own virtual reality world and learn more aboutdigital elevation models!You can even put your creation in our gallery for other kids to see! 3D World
 [NASA] Satellite Stuff!
Here are some fun things to do, brought to you by NASA!

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