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Glossary A and B


Removal of a part by melting or vaporization.


A family of orthopterous insects including the grasshopper. All the species of this family can leap.

ADAPS--AVHRR Data Acquisition and Processing System

The EROS Data Center ADAPS, which began operation in May 1987, receives approximately 6 passes per day of HRPT data over the conterminous United States.


Aeromagnetic is descriptive of data pertaining to the Earth's magnetic field which has been collected from an airborne sensor.

AGRHYMET--AGRicultural, HYdrological and METeorological program

A West African AGRHYMET program which collects and disseminates environmental information on West Africa.

AID--Agency for International Development

The United States Federal agency for international development projects.


The percentage of incoming radiation that is reflected by a natural surface such as the ground, ice, snow, water, clouds, or particulates in the atmosphere.


The Albers Equal Area projection is a method of projection on which the areas of all regions are shown in the same proportion of their true areas. The meridians are equally spaced straight lines converging at a common point, which is normally beyond the pole. The angles between them are less than the true angles. The parallels are unequally spaced concentric circular arcs centered on the point of convergence of the meridians. The meridians are radii of the circular arcs. The poles are normally circular arcs enclosing the same angle as that enclosed by the other parallels of latitude for a given range of longitude.

Albers Equal Area is frequently used in the ellipsoidal form for maps of the United States in the National Atlas of the United States, for thematic maps, and for world atlases. It is also used and recommended for equal-area maps of regions that are predominantly east-west in extent.

ANSI--American National Standards Institute

An ANSI standard implies a consensus of those substantially concerned with the scope and provisions of a product and is intended as a guide to aid the manufacturer, consumer, and the general public.


Relating to the scientific study of the origin of human beings and the results of their influence on nature.

APFO--Aerial Photography Field Office

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's APFO is managed by the Farm Service Agency (FSA). FSA was formerly known as the Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service (ASCS). APFO is the repository for all of the USDA's aerial photography. The archive contains over 50,000 rolls of film acquired over the last 40 years and includes over 14 million frames of coverage of the conterminous U.S., Alaska, and Hawaii. APFO provides photographic products to local county, State and Federal offices within the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) including FSA, National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), and the Forest Service. They also serve the general public with similar products upon request at the cost of reproduction.


EXPORT creates an ARC/INFO interchange file to transfer coverages, INFO data files, text files, and other ARC/INFO files between various computer systems. An interchange file contains all coverage information and appropriate INFO file information in a fixed length, ASCII format. It can be fully or partially compressed as well as uncompressed ASCII depending upon the given EXPORT option.


1/3600th of a degree (1 second) of latitude or longitude.


ARC/INFO is a geographic information system (GIS) used to automate, manipulate, analyze, and display geographic data in digital form. ARC/INFO is a proprietary system developed and distributed by the Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc., in Redlands, California.

DISCLAIMER: Any use of trade, product, or firm names is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.


Designed by ESRI, ArcUSA is a general-purpose database used to generate thematic maps of the conterminous United States at the State and county levels. The database contains cartographic information, tabular information, and indices and is designed for a wide range of applications.


Relating to or involving an area.


Direction satellite is traveling relative to the Equator. An ascending node would imply a northbound Equatorial crossing.

ASCII--American Standard Code for Information Interchange

A seven-bit code standard adopted to facilitate data interchange between computers and operating systems. These codes represent alphanumerics and special characters (for example, $, /, ?, !).


The dynamics of celestial bodies including the motion and gravitation of natural and artificial objects in space.


Pertaining to the science of astronomy. Astronomy is the science of the heavenly bodies (fixed stars, planets, satellites, and comets) their nature, distribution, magnitudes, motions, distances, periods of revolution, eclipses, etc.


This destructive analytical technique is used to determine concentrations of specific chemical elements based on their emission or absorption of specific wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation.


Attributes, also called feature codes or classification attributes, are used to describe map information represented by a node, line, or area. For example, an attribute code for an area might identify it to be a lake or swamp; an attribute code for a line might identify a road, railroad, stream, or shoreline.

AVHRR--Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer

The AVHRR is a broad-band, 4 or 5 channel scanner (depending on the model), sensing in the visible, near-infrared, and thermal infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. This sensor is carried on NOAA's Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellites (POES), beginning with TIROS-N in 1978.


Azimuth is the angle of horizontal deviation, measured clockwise, of a bearing from a standard direction.


The measurement of depths of water in oceans, seas, and lakes. Also, the information derived from such measurements.

BIA--Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior

The BIA serves Indian and Alaska Native tribes living on or near reservations. The BIA administers and manages approximately 52 million acres of land held in trust for Indians by the United States and works with local tribal governments on issues including road construction and maintenance, social services, police protection, and economic development.


BIL is a CCT tape format that stores all bands of satellite data in one image file. Scanlines are sequenced by interleaving all image bands. The CCT header appears once in a set.


The term bilinear is referring to a bilinear interpolation. This is simply an interpolation with two variables instead of one.


Based upon the integer two. Binary Code is composed of a combination of entities that can assume one of two possible conditions (0 or 1). An example in binary notation of the digits 111 would represent (1 X 2) + (1 X 2) + (1 X 2) = 4 + 2 + 1 = 7.


A community of living organisms in a single major ecological region.


When using the BIP image format, each line of an image is stored sequentially, line 1 all bands, line 2 all bands, etc.

For example, the first line of a three-band image would be stored as p1b1, p1b2, p1b3, p2b1, p2b2, p2b3, where p1b1 indicates pixel one, band one, p1b2 indicates pixel one, band two, etc.

BIP-2--Band-Interleaved-by Pixel-Pair (CCT-X)

BIP-2 is a CCT tape format available only for MSS data acquired before 1979. Data in each of four vertical swaths are stored in a separate image file. Scanlines are sequenced and interleaved-by-pixel- pairs. The CCT header information is recorded on each image file. BIP-2 is sometimes referred to as CCT-X format.

BIT--BInary digiT

A bit is most commonly a unit of information equaling one binary decision, or one of two possible and equally likely values or states. It is usually represented as a 1 or 0.

BLM--Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior

Under the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976, the BLM administers and manages approximately 300 million acres of public lands primarily located in the western half of the lower 48 States and Alaska. Public lands in the U.S. contain mineral and timber reserves, support habitat for a host of wildlife, and provide recreational opportunities.

BOR--Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the Interior

The BOR was chartered in 1902 with the responsibility to reclaim arid lands in the western U.S. for farming by providing secure, year-around water supplies for irrigation. The BOR's responsibilities since have expanded to include generating hydroelectric power; overseeing municipal and industrial water supplies, river regulation, and flood control; enhancing fish and wildlife habitats; and researching future water and energy requirements.

BPI--Bits Per Inch

The tape density to which the digital data were formatted.


BSQ is a CCT tape format that stores each band of satellite data in one image file for all scanlines in the imagery array. The CCT headers are recorded on each band.


Several (usually eight) binary bits of data grouped together to represent a character, digit, or other value.


The order in which the bits are kept in computer memory is typically with the eight most significant bits first, followed by the eight least significant bits (e.g., 511 appears as 0000000111111111). Some computer systems store data in the reverse form (e.g., 511 appears as 1111111100000001). When data are stored in this fashion, they are commonly referred to as being byte swapped. This effect is of concern to users for data values greater than 8-bit bytes (255).

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