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US Geological Survey
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Flagstaff, AZ 86001

Other Ask-A-Experts and Great Sites!

Ask USGS! A great place to find out more about the USGS, biology, hydrology, geology, mapping, and resources for kids and teachers!

USGS Ask-a-Geologist Answers your questions about volcanoes, earthquakes, mountains, rocks, maps, ground water, lakes, or rivers

Biology for Kids Biology fun and games, and contact information for asking questions about biology

Find-an-Expert: Science and Technology a BIG LIST of scientists, teachers, engineers, and technology people - find everyone from Astronomers to Nuclear Physicists to Plumbers!

WebHelp.com Ask a real live person questions!

USGS Learning Web: Volcanoes!

USGS Volcano Hazards Program

USGS Topics: Volcanoes

About.com | Volcanoes for Kids

USGS Earthquake Hazards Program Education Page

USGS Earthquake Information in the San Francisco Bay area, the West Coast, and around the world!

USGS Topics: Earthquakes

About.com | Earthquakes for Kids

MapsBiological ResourcesOceans & Water
USGS Educational Resources TONS of resources for cartography, geography, and related disciplines!

USGS National Mapping Division

USGS Topics: Mapping

Microsoft TerraServer USGS maps, photos, and satellite images of your neighborhood

About.com | Geography

USGS Biology Kids Corner

USGS Biological Resources Education Page

USGS Biological Resources Division

Nature Watch USDA Forest Service

Conservation Education USDA Forest Service

About.com | Life Science for Kids

NASA Astrobiology the study of the origin, evolution, distribution, and destiny of life in the universe

NOAA Education Resources National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration

USGS Coastal and Marine Geology Program

USGS Water Resources Division

Space ScienceWeatherOther Topics & General Info
USGS Astrogeology Program

NASA Space Link

NASA Kids Webpage spaceflight, the Earth and solar system, outer space, and more!

NASA: Human Spaceflight this is where to start for Space Shuttle, International Space Station, NASA TV, and more!

About.com | Space & Astronomy for Kids

NOAA Education Resources National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration

Learn about the weather with The Weather Channel!

About.com | Weather

USGS Topics: Floods

USGS Learning Web

USGS Resources for Teachers and Students

NASA For Kids Only! just one section of the NASA Earth Science Enterprise education web site

USGS activities in your state!

USGS Topics - a full list of topics and search tool!

USGS Geologic Division

About.com | Geology

More great links to great kids' websites!!!

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