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Federal Reserve Brochures

Consumer Handbook to Credit Protection Laws
Explains how to shop for and obtain credit, how to maintain a good credit rating, how to dispute unfair credit transactions, and how to resolve billing errors.

Consumer Handbook on Adjustable-Rate Mortgages (254 KB PDF)
Guía para el consumidor sobre hipotecas a tasa ajustable (ARM)
Basic information on an important and complex mortgage option.

A Guide to Business Credit for Women, Minorities, and Small Businesses
Explains the credit application process for small business loans and steps to take if a loan is denied. Also provides information on the Equal Credit Opportunity Act and gives sources for assistance in the application process.

A Guide to Regulation CC Compliance (Availability of Funds and Collection of Checks)
Guidance for financial institutions in complying with Regulation CC, covering policy disclosures and rules for determining and delaying funds availability; includes examples of applying rules.

Home Mortgages: Understanding the Process and Your Right to Fair Lending
Guidance on shopping for a home mortgage, making an application, and understanding your rights to fair lending.

How to File a Consumer Complaint about a Bank
Cómo puede un consumidor presentar una queja acerca de un banco.
Information on the types of complaints that the Federal Reserve handles and instructions on how to file such a complaint.

Keys to Vehicle Leasing: A Consumer Guide
Arrendar un vehículo: Guía del consumidor
Guidance for consumers on leasing a vehicle, including information on consumer rights, a sample leasing form explaining costs, and definitions of terms used in vehicle leasing.

Looking for the Best Mortgage: Shop, Compare, Negotiate
Buscando la hipoteca más favorable: Compare, Verifique, Negocie
Guidance on identifying all the costs of your mortgage and negotiating the best loan terms.

Privacy Choices for Your Personal Financial Information
Guidance for consumers on making informed choices about whether to allow their personal financial information to be shared.

Protecting Yourself from Overdraft and Bounced-Check Fees
Explains courtesy overdraft-protection, or bounced check plans, and the costs involved. Provides guidance on how to avoid overdraft fees.

Putting Your Home Loan on the Line Is Risky Business
Utilizar su hogar como garantía para un préstamo es arriesgado
Guidance on avoiding potential borrowing pitfalls, including high-cost "predatory" home loans, and tips for getting the best financing deal possible. Includes a worksheet to use in shopping for a home loan.

Shop: The Credit Card You Pick Can Save You Money
Guidance on shopping for a credit card and understanding the information in credit card solicitations and applications.

The Structure of the Federal Reserve System
A brief introduction, in four brochures, to the main elements of the System--the Board of Governors, the Federal Open Market Committee, the Federal Reserve Banks, and Bank Boards of Directors.

When Is Your Check Not a Check? Electronic Check Conversion
¿Cuándo no es su cheque un cheque? Intercambio electrónico de cheques
Guidance for consumers on what electronic check conversion is, what rights consumers have, and what consumers can do if there's a problem or error.

What You Should Know about Home Equity Lines of Credit
Lo que usted debería saber sobre las líneas de crédito con garantía hipotecaria
Information on home equity lines of credit; includes a glossary of terms and a checklist to use in shopping for a plan.

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Last update: October 14, 2004