NSF LogoNSF Award Abstract - #0224507 AWSFL008-DS3

The Prototype Web-based Interactive Ground-water Tutor

Latest Amendment Date April 21, 2004
Award Number 0224507
Award Instrument Standard Grant
Program Manager Jacqueline Huntoon
Start Date January 1, 2003
Expires June 30, 2005 (Estimated)
Expected Total Amount $158181 (Estimated)
Investigator P. Allen Macfarlane dowser@kgs.ku.edu (Principal Investigator current)
Michael A. Nelson (Co-Principal Investigator current)
Margaret A. Townsend (Co-Principal Investigator current)
Sponsor U of Kansas Ctr for Res In
2385 Irving Hill Drive
Lawrence, KS 660457563 785/864-3441
Field Application 0000099 Other Applications NEC
Program Reference Code 0000,OTHR,


The Interactive Ground-Water Tutorial Prototype Web Site

This project constructs a prototype web-based ground-water tutorial, a "hands-on" tool for teaching secondary Earth and Space Science and Environmental Science students concepts related to ground-water flow and to the human impacts on surface- and ground-water systems. Most of the work performed in this two-year, proof-of-principle project focuses on developing the interface that will enable the student to interact with the modules on the prototype web site. The project encourages inquiry instruction by incorporating role-play exercises and mathematical simulations of ground-water flow and contaminant transport in a stream-aquifer system to solve environmental problems. Role-play exercises could potentially include using simulation results to help prevent: (1) a contaminant plume from reaching the stream and (2) contamination of an aquifer by a spill that has been dumped into a nearby stream where the aquifer is used for public water supply. A guidance module will provide: (1) a framework to help guide role-play actions and (2) an orientation for the student and (3) a means to update the student about the simulated situation during the role-play. The project is a collaboration between the Kansas Geological Survey, the University of Kansas Upward Bound Math Science Center, Pathfinder Science, and Kansas StreamLink. Kansas City Kansas Community College, the Lawrence, Kansas USD #497 will participate in field-testin

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