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HireMe System

Bureau of Reclamation
Automated Hiring System
Powered by QuickHire

Welcome to the HireMe system web site. HireMe is a secure web-based recruitment system that will allow job seekers to apply for Reclamation jobs online. HireMe provides a faster and easier application process.

Reclamation's HireMe system is currently in an implementation stage. Not all job vacancies are available for online application. Reclamation plans to have most job vacancies available for online application by the end of September 2005.

Always read the vacancy announcement for specific application instructions. The vacancy announcement will notify you if the vacancy is available for online application.

Helpful Hints:

For more information about the HireMe system, please go to FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions).

To browse (view vacancies and questions), register and apply online, go to:  HireMe applicant site.

Last revised: October 22, 2004