We hope this homepage will serve not only as a valuable information tool but also as a training vehicle. We encourage all NSF employees to utilize this home page as an additional resource for knowledge and improving quality of life issues in the workplace, and to serve as a guide in the area of EEO. It contains information on affirmative employment programs, special emphasis programs, special reports, EEO training opportunities, EEO laws and regulations, complaints processing procedures, as well as new and upcoming issues such as diversity and alternative dispute resolution (ADR). This site also provides links to other web sites that contain information pertinent to our OEOP operations.
The OEOP staff welcomes your comments, suggestions, concerns, and questions relating to any information or material you see or would like to see in our home page. You may e-mail me Ms. Ana A. Ortiz, Director of OEOP at aortiz@nsf.gov or call the office at (703) 292-8020.