Patents > Organization > Examination Policy > OPLA > Information

  Selected General / Legal Patent Information

Rulemaking and Implementation Materials

•changes to support electronic filing and prosecution of patent applications (e.g., 37 CFR 1.4 signatures)
•color drawings & photographs
•correspondence/ Express Mail
•counterterrorism applications made special
•data tables and sequence listings
•formats & style requirements
•incorporation by reference
•models, exhibits, specimens
•patent application publication
•patent term adjustment
•preliminary amendments
•prior filed material
•small business
•soliciting applicant's knowledge
•supplemental replies - pendency reduction measures

Changes To Support Implementation of the United States Patent and Trademark Office 21st Century Strategic Plan (Final Rule) [PDF] (21SEP2004) [more information]

  Patent Business Goals (PBG) - Final Rule
  American Inventors Protection Act of 1999 (AIPA)

• amendments
•application number
•certificate of mailing
•continuation/division CPA
•design patents
•exceptions to secrecy
•small business/entity
• Express Mail
•facsimile transmission
•filing date
•foreign priority
• foreign filing license
•format & style
•government interest patents
•inventors names at filing
•inventorship correction
•national stage PCT
•patent models
•public protest applications
•revival of provisionals
•secrecy order

CPA: Continued Prosecution Application
IDS:Information Disclosure Statement
PCT: Patent Cooperation Treaty
SIR: Statutory Invention Registration

Final Rule: Changes to Patent Practice and Procedure, (effective 1DEC1997)

Public Comment(s) on Proposed Practice Changes

Comments Received

Announcements and Presentations

Current Announcements


Notices: Recent Patent-Related
pre-OG, Official Gazette (OG) & Federal Register (FR)

Pre-OG Notices

Patent Application Examination and Prosecution Tools

Manual of Patent Examining Procedure (MPEP)

Downloadable USPTO Forms - PDF viewer required for all forms

Utility Examination Guidelines [PDF]

Written Description Examination Guidelines [PDF]

35 USC 112, Paragraph 6 Examination Guidelines

Petitions Information

Patents and Information

List of Patent Term Extensions

International Legal Materials

Deputy Commissioner for Patent Examination Policy telephone numbers
International Liaison Staff
Manual of Patent Examination Procedure (MPEP) Staff
Senior Patent Attorney
Office of Petitions
Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) Legal Administration
Office of Patent Legal Administration
Central Reexamination Unit
You are hereGeneral / Legal Patent Information
   Exam Tools
   Patent Term Extensions
   International Legal
KEY: e Biz=online business system fees=fees forms=formshelp=help laws and regs=laws/regulations definition=definition (glossary)

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