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Building Commonalties


  • Discuss the differences between renting and buying a home
  • Develop an understanding of how different types of homes fit different types of needs
  • Realize that although homes, and the people that live in them, are different -- they have things in common as well

Suggested Activities

  • Discuss the differences between renting and buying a home. What are some of the advantages of renting a home? Of buying a home?

    R e n t i n g
    B u y i n g
    You don't need a down payment.
    You build equity through appreciation.
    You can move without the worry of selling. You're not affected by increases in rent.
    You don't risk losing a deposit if housing prices fall. You often get more space for less money.

  • What are some different types of homes and who might live in them?
  • In groups, have students build a home from materials. Consider providing different groups with different materials that might put constraints on them to resemble the constraints of economics, careers, and lifestyles.
  • Ask students to describe the type of people who live in the home they created. Describe the environment within which the home was built (country, city, beach, mountains, plains), and why the design of the home best suits the people's needs and resources.
  • Discuss the differences and commonalties among each of the houses. Responses regarding commonalties should include: each has a roof, floor, and entrance, provides shelter and at least some privacy. Ask the students to explain some differences and commonalties among people. Discuss the reason for studying the differences and commonalties between both the houses and people.

Tips for using The Home Zone to discuss building commonalties

    Go to Cool Stories:
  • Watch "Home Ownership," which discusses the difference between owning and renting a home, some of the advantages of owning a home, different types of homes and steps to buying a home.
  • Watch "Mortgages," which discusses what a mortgage is and what it takes to get one.
    Go to Brain Food:
  • Visit "MindBuilder, The Value of Home Ownership" for a discussion about renting versus buying a home and steps to home ownership
  • Visit "Cool Facts" for facts about homes and home owning.
    Go to Glossary:
  • Terms used in The Home Zone are defined here, including different types of homes.
    Go to Game Center:
  • Play "HomeBuilder," which reinforces a variety of concepts addressed in The Home Zone and allows students to build a home of their own.

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