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FACTS II and the Budget Program and Financing Schedule

Your agency's accounting office must report year-end accounting information to OMB and Treasury using the FACTS II system. FACTS II allows your agency to simultaneously fulfill the reporting requirements of the

  • SF 133 Report on Budget Execution and Budgetary Resources (used to monitor SF 132 Apportionments and used as the basis of the audited Statement of Budgetary Resources),

  • the FMS 2108 Year-End Closing Statement (used as the basis of the Treasury Combined Statement), and

  • most of the prior year column of the Budget Program and Financing (P&F;) schedule.

Each year, FACTS II-reported information is crosswalked (i.e., translated) and placed into the prior year column of all budget accounts' P&F; schedules in MAX A-11 (i.e., the budget preparation system). For definitions of P&F; lines, information regarding over-writing amounts reported by your accounting office, and to see which P&F; lines MAX A-11 automatically generates (e.g. P 8690 through P 8700), see section 82 of OMB Circular No. A-11.

The following report shows exactly how FY 2004 accounting information that your agency accounting office reported through FACTS II this November was crosswalked into certain lines in the P&F; schedule. The report first shows the details for each Treasury account and the responsible FACTS II user's contact information, and then summarizes all of the detail into the OMB Budget account-level P&F; lines.

FY 2004 USSGL information entered by your accounting office into FACTS II and placed into MAX A-11

For further information about FACTS II or USSGL guidance, see the Treasury Financial Manual's USSGL supplement.