NCRS Home Page

Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration

Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center at Purdue University
Research Mission
Advance the science of hardwood tree improvement and genomics in the central hardwoods region of the US by developing and disseminating knowledge on improving the genetic quality of hardwood tree species, conserving fine hardwood germ plasm, and developing elite hardwood trees for the restoration and regeneration of sustainable hardwood forests and riparian zones for production of forest products and maintenance of genetically diverse ecosystems.

Research Programs
bulleted item Develop hardwood (oak and walnut) molecular markers for use in determination of genetic quality and population structure of current natural forests and plantations, and quantitative genes in superior hardwood trees.
bulleted item Develop vegetative and tissue culture propagation technologies for use in genomics research and mass propagation systems for superior trees.
bulleted item Develop nursery guides for production of quality seedlings and forest management guides for regeneration and reforestation of degraded agricultural land and riparian zones.
bulleted item Develop breeding and selection programs for black walnut, black cherry and northern red oak.

Charles Michler, Project Leader, Center Director, contact

Preston Aldrich, Post-doctoral Molecular Geneticist, contact

Michael Bosela
, Plant Physiologist, contact

Jim McKenna, Biologist, contact

Doug Mersman, Biological Laboratory Technician, contact

Paula M. Pijut, Plant Physiologist, contact

Rod Robichaud, Biological Laboratory Technician, contact

Chris Vyverberg, Biological Aid

Keith Woeste, Molecular Biologist, contact

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   USDA Forest Service at

USDA Forest Service, National Headquarters

North Central Research Station
1992 Folwell Ave., St. Paul, MN 55108
(651) 649-5000  fax: (651) 649-5285

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Last modified on Wednesday, February 18, 2004
by  Sharon Hobrla