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Diana Ostenson

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Sandra Jo Thrasher

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Electronic Request Form

Enter contact information for yourself :

(NOTE: Inaccurate information may limit our
 ability to properly respond.)

Name :
Address :
E-mail :
(Optional) Phone # :

Enter description of document you are requesting :

Select a suitable description and the purpose of the request in order to help determine the status to assess fees :

Commercial user

Affiliated with a private corporation and am seeking information for use in the company's business.

Representative of the news media, educational or noncommercial scientific institutions:

A representative of the news media and this request is made as part of a news gathering and not for commercial use.
Enter media company name :
Select type of media :
Television station
Other :
Affiliated with an educational or noncommercial scientific institution, and this request is made for a scholarly or scientific purpose and not for commercial use.

All other requesters:

An individual seeking information for personal use, public interest groups, or nonprofit organizations.

(Optional) Enter maximum fee amount you are willing to pay :


(You will be informed if the estimated fee will exceed this limit.)

(Optional) Explanation for a request to waiver all fees :

(Optional) Enter type of form/format desired for response:

(Optional) State why request should receive expedited processing. (Include specific details concerning your "compelling need," such as being someone "primarily engaged in disseminating information" and specifics concerning your "urgency to inform the public concerning actual or alleged Federal Government activity.") :

(Optional) Additional comments :

The MRM is not responsible for requester's information that may be lost or intercepted through electronic communication, i.e., E-mail. Electronic communication systems are harder to secure from unauthorized access. It is recommended that requests which include the requester's personal information be sent in writing to the MRM FOIA Coordinator.