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Ecological Services Field Office


Contacting the Office:Decorative Photo collage

Field Supervisor: Charlie Scott
e-mail: or

101 Park DeVille Drive, Suite A
Columbia, MO 65203-0007
Phone: 573-234-2132
Fax: 573-234-2181
TTY: 1-800-877-8339 (Federal Relay)

Office Facts

• Established: 1982

• FY 2002 Budget: $1,100,000

• Staff of 10

Office Goals

• Conserve endangered species through a proactive program involving candidate species assessment, listing, recovery and consultation with federal agencies

• Coordinate and assist federal agencies and others on actions affecting fish and wildlife and provide recommendations to avoid, minimize and compensate for these impacts

• Investigate and remediate effects on environment contaminants on fish and wildlife and coordinate restoration of trust resources

• Promote and develop diverse partnerships for the long-term conservation of imperiled trust fish and wildlife in Missouri

Services Provided To

• Private citizens

• Federal, state and local agencies

• Corporations and consulting companies

• Interstate river basin associations, committees and organizations

Activity Highlights

• Provided more than $300,000 to public and private partners in 2002 for cost-shared projects and studies to benefit imperiled species, migratory birds and habitats

• Increased assistance to Mark Twain National Forest on project reviews and endangered species consultations and reduced Service turn-around time by 50 percent

• Continued lead Service role working with Missouri, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska and Army Corps of Engineers to implement mitigation projects and increase recreation opportunities on 735 miles of the Missouri River

• Worked with the State of Missouri and responsible parties to investigate and remediate several Superfund sites

• Coordinated with Missouri Department of Conservation, Ameren UE and other stakeholders on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission hydropower re-license for Lake of the Ozarks (Bagnell Dam)

• Listed the Tumbling Creek cavesnail and scaleshell mussel as endangered and prepared a proposal to reclassify the Missouri bladderpod from endangered to threatened

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