Remedial Project Manager News

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Spring 2004
Table of Contents
High-Tech Solution to PCB Problem
Passive Cleanup Lower Costs and Preserve
Natural Resources
Biosparging with Air for Treatment of MTBE
Technology Transfer (T2) News
2004 Cleanup Conference
New BAA Abstracts Available
Remediation Innovative Technology Seminar
CECOS Training Courses
Fall 2003
Table of Contents
IAS Application to Remediate VOC-Contaminated Groundwater
BAA Announces New Book of Abstracts
SEAR for DNAPL Removal
NAVFA's IR GIS/Data Management Workgroup
ZVI Injection Technology Demonstration
RITS Fall 2003 Seminar
Innovative Landfill Cover Designs Harness Nature to Protect the Environment
Improved Sampling Strategies for Contaminated Sediment Sites
Update from RAO/LTMgt Optimization Workgroup
New Methods for Monitoring Coastal Contamination Migration
Technology Transfer (T2) News

Winter 2003
Table of Contents
Regulatory Partnerships through Training
Enhanced Anaerobic Dechlorination
Enhanced Natural Attenuation of Comingled Plumes
Early Transfer Facilitates Successful Redevelopment
Tehnology Transfer (T2) News
Optimization Conference Announcement
2004 Navy and Marine Corps Cleanup Conference Announcement

Spring 2003
Table of Contents
Enhanced Free Product Removal and Remediation of Contaminated Soil
New ITRC Products
Five-Year Review, MCAS Yuma
GIS Workgroup Update
Pressure-Driven Bioventing
Rapid Sediment Characterization and Advanced Chemical Fingerprinting
Five-Year Review, MCLB Barstow
DNAPL Remediation Technologies Survey
RITS - Spring 2003

Summer 2003
Table of Contents
ITRC - "One Cleanup Program"
Metals Bioavailability Guidance Documents
Sediment-Related Guidance Documents
ITRC - Lead Contaminated Soils
Converting Soil from Problem to Product
CAMU Avoids Cost, Saves Time
2003 Cleanup Conference
Early Transfer - NTC Orlando
NNSY and AWII in Joint Resolution
ABL's IR Program
Tree Cores Map GW Plumes
Tech Transfer News

Fall 2002

CECOS Fall/Winter Training Schedule

Table of Contents
Great Lakes Bird Sanctuary
Low Impact Development (LID) Pilot Project
Vacuum Truck for Lead Contaminated Soil Field Demonstration
Range Residue Removal & Recycling
Transfer of Last Parcel at NAS Glenview
NAVFAC Workgroup Updates
ITRC Training
Removal Action at NAS Alameda
Web-based survey on DNAPL Remediation

Winter 2002
Table of Contents
High-Level Feds Speadk at ITRC Annual Meeting
Superfund RODs Online
Defense State Memorandum of Agreement (DSMOA) Regional Training
Announcement of DoD & DSMOA Training Initiative
DSMOA Training Schedule
DSMOA Training Agenda
Innovative Approaches for Expediting CMS Process
RPM News Reminder

Spring 2002
Table of Contents
Dye Analytical Method
Tech Transfer (T2) News
Sustainable Systems Management
Focused Investigation Reduces GW Remediation
In Situ Bioremediation of MTBE in GW
EMACs Provide New Cost-Effective Contracts for Navy
Recent and Future Fixed-Price ID/IQ Contract Awards at SWDIV
Upcoming CECOS Courses
2002 ITRC Internet Training
Industrial & Hazardous Waster Conference
2002 Cleanup Conference

Summer 2002
Table of Contents
G.E. vs EPA
New Course:Munitions Response Site Management
Basewide Long-term Groundwater Monitoring Optimizaton
Alternative Restoration Technology Team (ARTT)
Chlorinated Source Zone Remediation Technologies
New Lab Detection and Reporting Limit Issue Paper Available
Risk Assessment Workgroup
Remedial Options for Addressing Heavy Metals in Small-Arms Range Soils
RAO/LTM Workgroup
Technology Transfer (T2) News

Fall 2001
Table of Contents
Reducing the Generation of Derived Waste
Soil Excavation using Auger Drilling
Making Use of Intangibles
Innovative Solutions
AS/SVE Cleanup Logistics
Tech Transfer News
Recycled Napalm
Transformation of Mare Island NSY
Partnership for success of NURC

Winter 2001
Table of Contents
Ecological Risk Assessment Process
Dual Drop Tube Bioslurper Design
Gosport Wetlands
Technology Transfer News
Performance Monitoring Optimization
Cultural Sensitivity Training and Recycling
New Course: Field Training on Air Sparging Systems
Gosport Landfill
Environmental GIS
RITS Spring 2002

Spring 2001
Table of Contents
Field Techniques at Athen, GA
Partnering and DQOs
Oil Spill Cleanup Equipment
Direct Push vs. Monitoring Wells
2001 Cleanup Conference
Innovative Technologies at El Toro
Navy Guidance for ERA Website

Summer 2001
Table of Contents

SOUTHDIV's Executive ER Briefing
Freshwater/Saltwater Interface
NSWC Dahlgren - Landfill, Soilcap
with Phytoremediation
Multiphase Extraction of Petroleum
ETIC Awards
Human Health Risk Assessment
Guidance Website
RITS Oct 2001

Summer 2000
Table of Contents
BADCAT Bioremediates by the Bayshore
Navy and Marine Corps Site Cleanup Conference

Asbestos - Polychorinated Biphenyl Conversion System
ARTTicle - Onsite Portable GC/MS

Winter 2000
Table of Contents
Risk Based Approach to RCRA closure
New Cleanup Technology

Data Collection at Louisville
Treatment, Storage and Disposal at NAS Cecil
Innovative Technology Case Study NTC Orlando
Cleanup Review Tiger Team
Deep Air Sparging at NAS Cecil Field
EPA Proposes Revisions to CAMU Rule
Enhanced Decision Making, Using an Environmental GIS

Summer 1999
Table of Contents
New Tools for Natural Attenuation
1999 Navy and Marine Corps Site Cleanup Conference
Video on Underground Storage Tank Cleanup
Updated Policy on Ecological Risk
SCAPS Rapid Deployment and Investigation Keeps Property Transfer on Track
East Coast SCAPS Operations Moves to PWC Norfolk
Effective Source Reduction with Chemical Oxidation
Natural Attenuation for Commingled Plume
New Sampling Method Cuts Time and Costs
BAA Book 6 Is Here
Navy Conducts Evaluation of Chemistry and Toxicity Data
Calendar of Events

Winter 1999
Table of Contents
RIMS 2000 is here
Innovative Technology Applied at NWS Yorktown
NFESC's BAA Program Offers Solutions to DOD
Early Tranfer Success
Navy UXO Response Contract
Navy and Marine Corps Site Cleanup Conference
RPM News on the Web
Spring 1999
Table of Contents

Life-Cycle Design
Centrally Funded
ERTAT Established
New NORM Cost Estimating Wizard
NORM 4 Is Coming
Are Leaking Underground Pipelines A Problem?
Conference Announcement
Tech Data Sheet
SCAPS To The Rescue!
Looking For A New Innovative Technology To Try?
Calendar of Events
Fall 1998
Table of Contents
Reduce Overall Cleanup Costs
What’s New In The Federal Register?
Modified Direct Push Monitoring Well Technology
SCAPS Helps Closeout Site with Local Regulators
Permeable Reactive Wall
Non-Point Source Pollution Problems?
NAVFAC Awards $$$ for RAC Contracts
How do you spell VOC Off-Gas Relief?
TechData Sheets
Calendar of Events
Winter 1998
Table of Contents
"IMAD" Team
Remediation Technology Decision Tree
Calendar of Events
Bioremediation at 29 Palms
Use of SCAPS on Large MTBE Plume
Passive Bioventing
Mole Pier, NS San Diego, CA
In Situ Thermal Desorption
Remedial Action Assessment System
Bioremediation at Camp Pendleton, CA
Low Range Differential Pressure
NFESC Offers Expertise
Sensors at NAS Whiting Field
BAA Contract
Industry Forum in Port Hueneme, CA
Summer 1997
Table of Contents
Teleconferencing with NFESC Training Calendar
EPA News
What’s a QIF?
Sharing Equipment "A Win-Win Situation"
What is TENEP and THOMAS?
Lewes EA Completed In-House in 10 Days
Biopile Technology in Hawaii
Constructed Wetland at Little Creek
SCAPS "The Philadelphia Experiment"
Surfactant Enhanced Aquifer Remediation (SEAR)
Solvated Electron Technology for PCBs
Summer 1998
Table of Contents
Coolest CDs in Town
Federal Register Weekly
Munitions Rule vs Range Rule
New Groundwater Tool Now Available
The 1998 DON Cleanup Conference
The 1998 DON Cleanup Conference Photos
IR Mole Pier Disposal Area NS San Diego
Bioremediation Facility: Camp Pendleton
Immunoassay Test Kits
Where’s WWWaldo?
New DOD Instruction Out

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