Storm Water Best Management Practices Decision Support Tool

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Welcome to the Storm Water Best Management Practices (BMP)
Decision Support Tool!

The Storm Water BMP Decision Support Tool is designed to assist Navy environmental professionals and their contractors in assessing methods of reducing pollution in storm water runoff.

The Decision Support Tool contains Storm Water BMPs that can be used in pollution prevention and treatment efforts. To obtain information on BMPs, click on either the Pollution Prevention or Treatment Options in the Storm Water Program outlined below.

Storm Water Program Development and Implementation
Development of a storm water pollution prevention program is a four-phase process:

1. Planning and Organization Phase

2. Assessment Phase

      Development of a site map
      Identification of pollutants in storm water discharges
      Inventory of materials and chemicals
      Listing of significant spills and leaks
      Identification of potential pollution sources
      Identification of non-storm water discharges
      Assessment of pollution risks

3. Best Management Practices (BMPs) Identification Phase

      Pollution Prevention Options
      Treatment Options

4. Implementation Phase

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