- Hazardous Waste
- Solid Waste

The Navy's Hazardous Waste Annual Report and the Navy's Solid Waste Annual Report have been replaced by the Pollution Prevention Annual Data Summary (P2ADS). P2ADS will track the Navy progress towards meeting the Department of Defense's Measures of Merit (DoD MoM) goals for hazardous waste (HW) and solid waste (SW) and include success stories.  Click here to access software and P2ADS guidance.  Major changes include:

Starting with 2003 solid waste, other select waste, and affirmative procurement data will be reported by fiscal year.  The SW P2ADS data call will be sent out on 1 October and cover the period 1 October 2002 through 30 September 2003.

A separate data call will be issued for hazardous waste data which will be reported by calendar year.  The hazardous waste data call will be issued in December with reports to be received by ESC424 not later than 16 March. Data will be collected by installation, rather than by activity. The claimant who owns the property will report for the entire installation.

NFESC will consolidate the data and provide it to the claimants for review.  Additionally, NFESC will consolidate claimant information into a Navywide status summary and forward it to CNO.  Report specifics will be provided in the data call letter.

For additional hazardous waste reporting information, please contact our Data Manager. For additional solid waste reporting information, please contact our Solid Waste Team.

DoD HW MoM Goal. The Navy's hazardous waste generation will be monitored through P2ADS. The Navy's goal is a 50% reduction in hazardous wastes shipped off-site by Calendar Year 1999 using Calendar Year 1992 data as the baseline.

DoD SW MoM Goals. P2ADS will also monitor the Navy's progress towards meeting the solid waste reduction recycling goals. As of FY99, DOD has issued a new solid waste MoM to replace the two previously announced solid waste goals. The new DOD solid waste MOM goal is:

"By the end of FY2005, ensure the diversion rate for non-hazardous solid waste is greater than 40%, while ensuring integrated non-hazardous solid waste management programs provide an economic benefit when compared with disposal using landfilling and incineration alone ."

MOM goals can be achieved but require good planning and execution. Your Solid Waste Management Plan can help you achieve these goals.

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Last updated: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 09:30 AM