NFESC Environmental Department

Technology Implementation and

Customer Liaison

We develop, execute and manage environmental quality programs at the Engineering Service Center in support of the Navy's environmental goals and initiatives. We promote and manage the implementation of new and innovative environmental quality technologies. These technologies enable the Navy to achieve environmental compliance faster, better, cheaper and easier. Additionally, we provide customer liaison.

PROGRAM MANAGEMENT. We execute and manage environmental quality programs. The majority of our environmental programs consist of engineering support and services. The major technology development programs include the Navy Pollution Abatement Ashore Program (Y0817); the Environmental Security Technology Certification Program (ESTCP); and the Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP). Our customers include the Chief of Naval Operations, the Naval Facilities Engineering Command, engineering field divisions and engineering field activities, public works centers, and field activities.

TECHNOLOGY GATEKEEPER PROCESS. We developed and implemented the Technology Gatekeeper Process for the management of environmental quality technology development programs. This process controls: what technologies to develop; when to transfer the technologies; and how to implement technologies. The objectives are to:


Early Planning. We coordinate transition and use of new and innovative environmental quality technologies. Our effort begins at the start of our technology development projects. We coordinate with our customer(s) during the proposal preparation phase. Early in the project we identify how customers will use the technology development results, implement funding, acquisition plan, contracting mechanism, and regulator approval requirements.

Technology Implementation Teams. In additional to the Principal Investigators, we form Technology Transfer Teams or Technology Application Teams to ensure that once our technology development efforts are complete that we can transfer and implement the technologies quickly and efficiently. We implement environmental quality technologies developed here and at Navy laboratories.

Technology Implementation Programs. Our Environmental Department has assisted our sponsors in the establishment of several technology implementation programs. For example:

BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT. Our Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) is a streamlined and flexible contracting approach. The goal is to identify a wide range of innovative environmental quality technologies and methodologies that are ready for field demonstration. Interested contractors can submit no more than a three page abstract, with up to ten pages of test data attached, describing how the proposed technology or methodology can be valuable to the Navy in cleanup, pollution prevention, compliance and natural resources conservation. Click on BAA to read the complete text of this announcement.

The abstract with solicitation number N47408-96-R-6342 shall be submitted to: Commanding Officer, Naval Facilities Contracting Office, Code 2723, Building 41, Naval Construction Battalion Center, 1000 23rd Avenue, Port Hueneme, CA 93943-4301. Please call the, Navy Contract Specialist, at (805) 982-5081 if you need additional information. If you have questions or need technical information, please call our toll free Customer Assistance Hotline at (888) 4-THE-ESC (888-484-3372).

GENERAL PROGRAM/PROJECT/PROPOSAL COORDINATION. We are the contact for tri-service, multi-agency, and general coordination on environmental quality related topics. If you are not sure who to contact, please call our toll free Customer Assistance Hotline at (888) 4-THE-ESC (888-484-3372).

MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM. We developed a management information system for monitoring and tracking our projects. We can assist you in data base development, computer security accreditation, financial tracking system, and requirement analysis. You can contact Defense Technical Information Center at (800) CALDTIC (225-3842), for our documents and reports, or call us at (805) 982-1294 for information and assistance.

For further information, please send an email to our Information Liaison.

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Last updated: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 09:30 AM