NFESC Environmental Department

Pollution Prevention Planning

Pollution Prevention Plan. Facilities not scheduled for operational closure by 31 December 1997 are required by OPNAVINST 5090.1B to develop and implement a Pollution Prevention Plan. This plan shall address the actions required by the facility to reduce pollution from all sources and to all media, and shall be developed by the end of 1995.

Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessments. A Pollution Prevention (P2) Opportunity Assessment is one of the first steps in preparing a Pollution Prevention Plan. During the assessment the following objectives are accomplished: Pollution generating processes are characterized; P2 opportunities are identified; the application of P2 opportunities is evaluated; and P2 options are selected. P2 options may include: use of alternative chemicals, using new technology or equipment, or changing work processes. Results of the P2 Opportunity Assessment are incorporated into the command P2 Plan.

Solid Waste Management Plan. All Navy activities are required by OPNAVINST 5090.1B to develop and implement a Solid Waste Management Plan (SWMP). The SWMP is a comprehensive study of all aspects of the activity's solid waste management program. It is the essential tool for developing and maintaining a solid waste program that is in compliance with all federal, state, and local regulations and DOD and Navy instructions.

Slug Prevention Plan. A Slug Prevention Plan provides a strategy for reducing pollution discharges to water. The primary objective is to protect human health and the natural environmental. The development of a Slug Prevention Plan for wastewater collection and treatment systems is a requirement of the U.S. Forces Japan, Final Governing Standards for Overseas Environmental Baseline Guidance Document.

Navy and State Hazardous Waste Minimization Plan. Navy activities shall reduce HW generation and disposal by implementing a combination of the following procedures and processes.

OIL AND HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE SPILL PLANNING. We develop various types of spill plans for naval activities including:

Our teams of engineers, scientists and environmental specialists can provide expert assessments of spill prevention and response capabilities and can provide recommendations on how to optimize these capabilities. We can assist in setting up training programs and spill drills. We also manage the Navy's centralized program for the procurement of Oil Spill Equipment. Refer to the Oil Spill Equipment Program for more information about this program.

For more information on how to obtain these services, contact the Field Support Manager.

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Last updated: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 09:30 AM