NFESC Environmental Department

ESC Newsletters

The Arizona Pollution Prevention Partnership (AZP3) News publishes articles of interest to members of the newly formed partnership.  Partners include representatives of the State of Arizona and the Department of Defense.  The purpose of the partnership is to promote mission readiness and facilitate pollution prevention innovation and information exchange.

Send a message to the AZP3 editor or view the newsletter.

The BRAC Talk Newsletter is no longer being published.  The newsletter provided information and articles on environmental cleanups at Department of the Navy bases closed under the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Act.

The environmental cleanup at closing Navy bases is coming to a successful end.  The majority of the major Navy bases that were slated for closure have closed and the majority of the property slated for transfer has been transferred.  For further information, see the web links provided on the last page of BRAC Talk “BRAC Installation web sites”.

The Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) published BRAC Talk from the Summer of 1996 to the Fall of 2000.  The Fall 2000 issue, the 17th, was the last one published.  All 17 issues are available in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) by “clicking” on the link below.

Send a message to the BRAC Talk newsletter editor or view past issues of the newsletter.

The Hawaii Pollution Prevention Partnership (HP3) news publishes articles of interest to members of the newly formed partnership.  Partners include representatives of the State of Hawaii and the Department of Defense.  The purpose of the partnership is to promote pollution prevention by developing and implementing model initiatives, building trust, and validating results that protect Hawaii’s environment.

Send a message to the HP3 news editor or view the newsletter.

The Indoor Air Monitor provides information and articles on air regulations, new technology, training, and problems with exposure to indoor air contaminants. Additionally, the newsletter provides a forum for sharing lessons learned and success stories. This newsletter is published four times a year.

Send a message to the Indoor Air Monitor editor or view past issues of the or view past issues of the newsletter.

Currents is our pollution prevention and compliance magazine.   It's the result of merging The Minimizer Pollution Prevention Newsletter and the Xchange NAVAIR Team Environmental News.Currents focus is pollution prevention technical issues; solutions; accomplishments; and resources. The goal is to provide pollution prevention compliance information on hazardous materials and hazardous waste management; solid waste management and recycling; water, wastewater and bilgewater; ozone depleting substances; clean air issues; and acquisition strategies.   This publication identifies initiatives and actions taken in support of Navywide waste reduction goals. Additionally, it provides a forum for sharing lessons learned; success stories; and developing technologies.  Currents is published quarterly.   The mailing lists of the two publications has been merged so, if you've been receiving either the Xchange or The Minimizer,  you are already on the mailing list for  Currents

Send a message to the Currents Editor or view past issues of the newsletter.

The Remedial Project Manager (RPM) News. The RPM News provides information and articles on environmental cleanups at Department of the Navy (DON) bases being cleaned up under the Installation Restoration program in compliance with the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA). The purpose of the newsletter is to provide a forum to share information, success stories and lessons learned in the cleanup process. The newsletter is published three times a year.

Send a message to The RPM News editor or view past issues of the newsletter.

The Weekly Federal Register Summary provides a summary of environmentally related Federal Register announcements that may be of interest to Navy and Marine Corps personnel. It is published electronically and distributed by e-mail to interested DOD personnel. The newsletter summarizes meeting announcements, notices of proposed rulemaking, final rules, and other significant notices contained in the Federal Register during the previous week. To subscribe to the newsletter, please contact us at , include your name, e-mail address, phone number, job title, command, and address. Additionally, please provide your command Unit Identification Code (UIC) if possible.

Send a message to the Weekly Federal Register Summary editor.


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Last updated: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 09:30 AM