NFESC Environmental Department

Technology Transfer

We develop pollution prevention (P2) implementation strategies for technologies developed by the Navy and other Department of Defense organizations, as well as private industry. Included in this strategy is:

  1. Identify potential customers and obtain customer support,
  2. Develop cost-benefit analysis based on customer unique requirements,
  3. Determine the appropriate funding sources and ensure funding is programmed for the projects,
  4. Coordinate with activity and regulatory agencies to permit, install, and incorporate the technology into the facilities,
  5. Catalog and break down barriers to implementation to fast-track technology transfer, and
  6. Identify and select demonstration sites.

We provide technical brochures, the Joint Service P2 Technical Library, technology videos, interactive software, the Joint Service P2 Opportunity Handbook and software, and this home page to keep our customers informed.

We lead the Navywide transfer of demonstrated technologies. Additionally, we assist Navy customers to identify all site preparations and construction requirements, site specific permit requirements, equipment procurement, construction, setup, and shakedown.

We participate in several information or technology transfer forums. The purpose is to share information and to take advantage of technology demonstrations and lessons learned from others. Some of these forums are:

Tri-service environmental centers meeting

Joint Depot Environmental Panel (JDEP)

NDCEE program status briefs

California Environmental Protection Agency state certification of innovative P2 Technologies

Other DOD and government agency panels and conferences:

Meetings are attended by representatives from the Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence (AFCEE), the Army Environmental Center (AEC), National Defense Center for Environmental Excellence (NDCEE), Environmental Protection Agency, and other federal and state environmental agencies. We provide expertise to validate and coordinate those technologies developed by the other services that have Navy application. In addition, we provide technology user data packages and technical expertise to the California Environmental Protection Agency Department of Toxic Substance Control to allow certification of innovative P2 technologies.

Send a message to our Technology Transfer Contact.

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Last updated: Tuesday, July 27, 2004 09:30 AM