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WSR-88D Product Files

The U.S. National Weather Service provides anonymous FTP access to files containing collectives of code generated and binary radar imagery products from NWS, FAA, and DOD WSR-88D sites located in the United States and Puerto Rico.   The collectives are in the same format as received from the WSR-88D Radar Product Generator (RPG).   The server internal structure for sub-directory names and file names can be found with descriptions in the document TOC File Name Standards. The naming conventions for the sub-directories and files are described in the document titled: File and Directory Name Standards.   The data is available at the NWS Telecommunication Gateway on the server via anonymous FTP.


The data can be obtained either through a direct multicast connection from the NWS or by standard ftp. Either process follows the directory path established below.

The Implementation Guide for a MULTICAST connection is available.

Directory and File Descriptions

See "Directory and File Naming Standards" for information about directory and file name formats and structure.


SL.us008001/ Data root - for NWS Telecommunication Gateway Server (top directory)
    DF.of/ Data in NWS coded form either ASCII or Binary depending on product
        DC.radar/ Data category: Above Surface - land (see radar site ID list below)
            DS.p19r0/ Data Subcategory: Base reflectivity - 124 nmi Range (angle = 0.50°)
            DS.p19r1/ Data Subcategory: Base reflectivity - 124 nmi Range (angle = 1.45°/1.50°)
            DS.p19r2/ Data Subcategory: Base reflectivity - 124 nmi Range (angle = 2.40°/2.50°)
            DS.p19r3/ Data Subcategory: Base reflectivity - 124 nmi Range (angle = 3.35°/3.50°)
            DS.p20-r/ Data Subcategory: Base reflectivity - 248 nmi Range (angle = 0.50°)
            DS.p25-v/ Data Subcategory: Base Radial Velocity - 32 nmi Range (angle = 0.50°)
            DS.p27v0/ Data Subcategory: Base Radial Velocity - 124 nmi Range (angle = 0.50°)
            DS.p27v1/ Data Subcategory: Base Radial Velocity - 124 nmi Range (angle = 1.45°/1.50°)
            DS.p27v2/ Data Subcategory: Base Radial Velocity - 124 nmi Range (angle = 2.40°/2.50°)
            DS.p27v3/ Data Subcategory: Base Radial Velocity - 124 nmi Range (angle = 3.35°/3.50°)
            DS.p28sw/ Data Subcategory: Base spectrum Width - 32 nmi Range (angle = 0.50°)
            DS.p2gsm/ Data Subcategory: general status of the the radar message (a text message)
            DS.p30sw/ Data Subcategory: Base Spectrum Width - 124 nmi Range (angle = 0.50°)
            DS.34cfc/ Data Subcategory: Clutter Filter Control
            DS.p36cr/ Data Subcategory: Composite Reflectivity - 8 levels, 248 nmi range
            DS.p37cr/ Data Subcategory: Composite Reflectivity - 16 levels, 124 nmi range
            DS.p38cr/ Data Subcategory: Composite Reflectivity - 16 levels, 248 nmi range
            DS.p41et/ Data Subcategory: Echo Tops
            DS.47swp/ Data Subcategory: Severe Weather Probability
            DS.48vwp/ Data Subcategory: Velocity Azimuth Dispaly (VAD) Wind Profile
            DS.56rm0/ Data Subcategory: Storm Relative Mean radial velocity map (angle = 0.5°)
            DS.56rm1/ Data Subcategory: Storm Relative Mean radial velocity map (angle = 1.5°)
            DS.56rm2/ Data Subcategory: Storm Relative Mean radial velocity map (angle = 2.4°)
            DS.56rm3/ Data Subcategory: Storm Relative Mean radial velocity map (angle = 3.4°)
            DS.57vil/ Data Subcategory: Vertical Integrated Liquid
            DS.58sti/ Data Subcategory: Storm Tracking Information
            DS.p59hi/ Data Subcategory: Hail Index
            DS.p60-m/ Data Subcategory: Mesocyclone
            DS.61tvs/ Data Subcategory: Tornadic Vortex Signature
            DS.p62ss/ Data Subcategory: Storm Structure
            DS.65lrm/ Data Subcategory: Layer Composite Reflectivity Maximum (low level)
            DS.66lrm/ Data Subcategory: Layer Composite Reflectivity Maximum (middle level)
            DS.67apr/ Data Subcategory: Layer Composite Reflectivity with AP removed
            DS.74rcm/ Data Subcategory: Radar Coded message
            DS.75ftm/ Data Subcategory: Free Text message
            DS.78ohp/ Data Subcategory: Surface rainfall accums - one hr Total
            DS.79thp/ Data Subcategory: Surface rainfall accums - three hr Total
            DS.80stp/ Data Subcategory: Surface rainfall accums - storm total
            DS.81dpr/ Data Subcategory: Hourly digital precip array
            DS.82spd/ Data Subcategory: Supplemental precip data
            DS.90lrm/ Data Subcategory: Layer composite reflectivity max - high level
                SI.ktlx/ Data site: Oklahoma City, OK/Norman
                SI.cccc/ Data site: A radar site for each data subcategory for all 154 sites

Delivery Details

Data files are updated on the FTP server every five minutes or sooner with data from the RPG. File names within each radar site directory have the format sn.nnnn where nnnn is a four-digit number ranging from 0000 to 0250. Files are written in sequence with the file sn.0000 following sn.0250. This scheme provides unique file names for at least the previous 48 hours of data received, as older files are over-written.

A sample of the most recently written radar file (base reflectivity - 54 nmi range, elevation of 1.5°) for Dallas/Fort Worth, TX is:


Data files are written only when data of that subcategory type is available.

Further questions or comments concerning data in SL.us008001 path may be directed to .

Radar Site Identification List - WSR-88D
(NEXRAD Image Mosaic Panels)


US Dept of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Weather Service
Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO)
1325 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Page last modified: March 05, 2003
Page Author: Internet Services Group
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