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Parameter Information Pages

The Parameter Information Pages (PIPs) provide short descriptions of important geophysical parameters; information about the satellites and sensors which acquire data relevant to these parameters; links to GES DAACdatasets which contain these parameters; and external data source links where data or information relevant to these parameters can be found.

1. Absorption
2. Aerosol Angstrom Exponent
3. Aerosol Extinction Coefficient
4. Aerosol Optical Thickness
5. Aerosols
6. Air Temperature
7. Albedo
8. Atmospheric Pressure
9. Atmospheric Temperature
10. Atmospheric Winds
11. Bathymetry
12. Brightness Temperature
13. Calcite, Calcium Carbonate
14. Carbon Dioxide
15. Carbon Monoxide
16. Chlorofluorocarbons
17. Chlorophyll
18. Cloud Amount
19. Cloud Liquid Water
20. Density
21. Diffuse Attenuation Coefficent at 490 nm
22. Emissivity
23. Fluorescence
24. Gelbstoff
25. Geopotential Height
26. Humidity
27. Infrared Radiance
28. Methane
29. Microwave Radiance
30. Mixed layer depth
31. Normalized Difference Vegetation Index
32. Normalized water-leaving radiance
33. Ocean Surface Winds
34. Ocean color
35. Ozone
36. Particle Flux
37. Photosynthetically Active Radiation
38. Pigments
39. Precipitable Water
40. Precipitation Rate
41. Primary Productivity (Land)
42. Primary productivity (Oceans)
43. Radar Reflectivity
44. Reflectance
45. Remote sensing reflectance
46. Salinity
47. Sea Level
48. Sea Surface Temperature
49. Sea surface height
50. Soil Moisture
51. Solar Irradiance
52. Surface Elevation
53. Suspended Sediments, Suspended Matter
54. Temperature Profiles
55. Visible Radiance
56. Water Vapor, Atmospheric Water Vapor
57. Wind stress
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Responsible NASA Official: Steve Kempler, DAAC manager -- Steven.J.Kempler@nasa.gov
Web Curator: Peggy Eaton -- web-curator@daac.gsfc.nasa.gov
Help Desk: help@daac.gsfc.nasa.gov  Voice:  301-614-5224,  Toll Free:  +1-877-422-1222

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Last Updated: August 13, 2003 18:47:25 EDT