Patent EFS > Filing Instructions
Electronic Filing System - Patents
Patent EFS
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How to file using EFS

Preparing to use EFS

  1. If you do not have one, obtain a USPTO customer number
  2. Choose the type of digital certificate you would like to use to file your application
  3. Set up your "EFS Workstation" (see system requirements)
  4. Install USPTO-provided EFS software
  5. Acquire software (scanner, if needed) to create image files in the TIFF standard format

Authoring a specification

  1. Select an application
  2. Create image files (e.g. drawings, declaration)
  3. Author the specification text using the USPTO-provided XML based MS Word® tool (PASAT) or Wordperfect® template
  4. Use the X-Port tool to select specifications created using PASAT in order to convert them to specifications that conform to Annex FDefinitions. The application-body document type definition (application-body.dtd) was agreed to by the USPTO, WIPO, EPO and JPODefinitions.
  5. Attach your application related image files
  6. Save as an XML document using the EFS software
  7. Review your application submission
    • Run the verification tool to ensure completeness of content prior to submission


Using ePAVE software provided by USPTO:

  1. Complete XML documents such as:
    • Fee information
    • Transmittal information
    • Patent application bibliographic information
    • Declaration
    • Power-of-Attorney (if necessary)
  2. Attach electronic documents and image files created in the authoring step above such as:
    • Specification and other XML documents
    • Declaration TIFF image file
The ePAVE software will automatically:
  • Validate the completeness of the submission
  • Automatically bundle, compress, encrypt, digitally sign submission package
  • Transmit submission package directly to the USPTO via the Internet

Acknowledgement Receipt

You will receive an acknowledgement of receipt from USPTO, which includes:

  • Title of invention
  • Patent application serial number
  • Date/time of receipt
  • List of all files submitted

KEY: e Biz =online business system  fees =fees forms =formshelp =help laws and regs =laws/regulations definition =definition (glossary)

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