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Software Downloads

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PASAT(13mb) Version 1.1 Build 4.0

As a component of the EFS authoring effort, Patent Application Specification Authoring Tool (PASAT) is used to author electronic (XML) versions of specifications. PASAT enables you to create Patent specifications in the XML format required by USPTO with little or no XML knowledge. You will be using the familiar Microsoft Word 97 with a slightly modified interface to create a Specification, and then PASAT exports it as an XML document instance. Refer to the Authoring Manual PASAT (for Word users - PDF 853kb) for more information about PASAT.

WordPerfect XML Template (1mb download, decompresses to 3mb on local installation) Version 1.2.5

For users who do not have Microsoft Word 97, the WordPerfect XML Template is a component of the EFS authoring effort. WordPerfect is used to author electronic versions of the Specification. Download the Authoring Manual (for WordPerfect users - PDF 1.24mb) for more information about the WordPerfect XML Template.

NOTE: To download the following DTD file, you must "right click" the link and choose the "save target as" or "save link target as" option. Please note where you save the file locally.

ePAVE Fee DTD (10.8 kb download) (30Sep2003)

Updated Fee Amounts. Updated to reflect the fee increases effective 1 October 2003. Requires ePAVE 5.1. For current EFS users: download the DTD file and copy it to your local epave\Def\Dtd_xsl folder on or after 1 October 2003. (30Sep2003)

ePAVE 5.1a (7.3 mb download; decompresses to 15.7 mb on local installation) (1Octr2003)   EXPORT RESTRICTIONS APPLY

ePave allows the applicant or practitioner to collect and submit Patent application information to the USPTO. EPAVE 5.1a includes fee changes that take effect 1 October 2003. For more information on ePAVE, download the ePave Submission Manual (PDF 11.1mb) VERSION: ePAVE5.1a

X-Port 1.0 (6.6 mb download; decompresses to 6.9 mb on local installation) (14Apr2003)   

The X-Port tool allows users to select specifications created using PASAT according to the old US document type definition for specifications and convert them to specifications that conform to Annex F of the Patent Cooperation Treaty international guidelines and the application-body document type definition agreed to by the USPTO, WIPO, EPO, and JPO VERSION: X-Port 1.0

USPTO Direct 6.0 (6mb download (PAIR.exe; decompresses to 11.8 mb on local installation)  EXPORT RESTRICTIONS APPLY

This is the software is used to create the digital certificate needed to send secure submissions to the USPTO. It should not be downloaded until completing the registration process. VERSION: USPTO Direct 6.0

*Note: PDF documents require the Acrobat 5.0 Reader

KEY: e Biz =online business system  fees =fees forms =formshelp =help laws and regs =laws/regulations definition =definition (glossary)

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