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Fire Research Division

Analysis and Prediction Group

graphic from FDS fire model
A fire in a townhouse showing temperature colored velocity vectors calculated using the NIST fire model, FDS.
image calculated using FDS
Image of a fire at an oil tank farm calculated using FDS.

The Analysis and Prediction Group develops understanding and predictive methods of dynamic fire phenomena to advance fire science and engineering practice, reduce fire hazards, and improve fire protection and fire fighting. It performs research to enhance the understanding of the physics of fires to improve predictions of the growth, spread, suppression, and emissions from fires of all scales, and it uses experiments, analysis, metrology, and advanced computer simulations to improve predictions of fire phenomena.


Recent Results

Recent research results are documented in a number of recent publications and at the following internet sites, which describe the CFAST and FDS fire models: http://fast.nist.gov/ ; http://fire.nist.gov/fds/ .

Post-Doc Program

Outstanding applicants are sought for a number of postdoctoral fellowships available through the National Research Council Associate Program. Group members act as research advisors for Post-Doctoral Fellows in a variety of project areas

temperature map calculated using FDS

Image of a near-extinction methane-air non-premixed flame and false color temperature map calculated using FDS.



F. Amon

F. Amon

Howard Baum

H. Baum

Charles Bouldin 

C. Bouldin

Glenn Forney

G. Forney

 Anthony Hamins

A. Hamins

Walter Jones

W. Jones

S. Kucuck

S. Kucuck

Jay McElroy

J. McElroy


Kevin McGrattan

K. McGrattan


W. Mell

W. Mell

Kuldeep Prasad 

K. Prasad

Ronald Rehm

R. Rehm

Margaret Walz

M. Walz



Guest Scientists

M. Dey

J. Kim
K. Wakatsuki




Anthony Hamins, Leader
(301) 975-6598
email: anthony.hamins@nist.gov

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Date created: 3/12/2001
Last updated: 5/20/2004