Office of Science Office of Nuclear Physics




DOE/NSF Nuclear Science Advisory Committee

NSAC is an advisory committee that provides official advice to the Department of Energy (DOE) and the National Science Foundation (NSF) on the national program for basic nuclear science research. NSAC is chartered under the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA). The management of NSAC alternates between the NSF and the DOE, and is currently being provided by the NSF.

  NSAC Members for FY2004
  NSAC Long-Range Plan
2002 NSAC Long-Range Plan: Opportunities in Nuclear Science, A Long-Range Plan for the Next Decade (April 2002) 

NSAC Long-Range Plan (pdf file: 4.2MB)

NSAC Long-Range Plan Overview (pdf file: 4.2MB)

Long Range Plan Working Group Members

Long Range Plan Subcommittee White Papers
  Ongoing NSAC Activites


Examine current and proposed U.S. efforts in heavy-ion nuclear physics and the effectiveness of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC)


Charge Letter to NSAC (2/18/04)
  Archival NSAC Information


A Vision for Nuclear Theory (October 24, 2003) (pdf file: 736KB)

Fundamental Physics with Neutrons (August 29, 2003) 
(pdf file: 358KB)

Committee of Visitors Assessment (February 27, 2004)
(pdf file: 148KB)

Comparison of the Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA) and the Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI) Future Facility (February 23, 2004) (pdf file: 3.3MB)

Report submitted by the Subcommittee on Performance Measures (November 18, 2003) (pdf file: 736KB)


The Nuclear Physics Scientific Horizon: Projects for the Next Twenty Years (Report of the Ad-hoc Facilities Subcommittee of NSAC) (March 2003) (pdf file: 368KB) and Transmittal letter (pdf file: 40KB)

Report of the NSAC Subcommittee on Low Energy Nuclear Physics (November 2001) (pdf file: 390KB)

Scientific Opportunities and Funding Priorities for the DOE Medium Energy Nuclear Physics Program (September 1998) (pdf file: 9.6 MB)

1996 NSAC Long-Range Plan (pdf file: 5.2MB)

Isotope-Separator-On-Line (ISOL) Task Force Report to NSAC (November 1999) (pdf file: 1.9MB) 

Meeting Agendas (Including links to some presentations)

Meeting October 7, 2004


Meeting August 2, 2004


Meeting February 19, 2004

Meeting November 7 & 8, 2003

Meeting September 13, 2003

Meeting May 30, 2003

Meeting March 6 & 7, 2003

Meeting November 1, 2002

Meeting March 14-15, 2002

Meeting November 29-30, 2001

Meeting January 29-30, 2001
  Funding Agencies

Office of Nuclear Physics - Department of Energy

Nuclear Physics Program - National Science Foundation


Last updated 08/02/04.