• The Laboratory in the News

  • Commentary by David Cooper

  • Featured Article
    A New World of Seeing

  • Research Highlights
    The Many Faces of Carbon Dioxide

    Award-Winning System Assays
    Radioactive Waste with Radiation

    Nanoscale Chemistry Yields
    Better Explosives

  • Patents and Awards

  • Abstract

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  • A New World of Seeing

    (pdf file, 1.5MB)

    A team of Lawrence Livermore researchers is developing a new generation of visualization tools for handling the immense amounts of data produced by Department of Energy supercomputers running nuclear simulation codes. The group, called VIEWS (Visual Interactive Environment for Weapons Simulation), is producing novel ways to store, retrieve, search, view, and analyze data. The pioneering work includes both hardware and software solutions. One emphasis is on three-dimensional tools that take advantage of the human eye's ability to discern subtle changes in colors and patterns. The Assessment Theater is the most striking example of Lawrence Livermore's new visualization world. Scientists use the theater to watch computer-generated movies of unprecedented image quality on a 5-meter-wide by 2.5-meter-tall plastic projection screen.

    Research Highlights

  • The Many Faces of Carbon Dioxide
  • Award-Winning System Assays Radioactive Waste with Radiation
  • Nanoscale Chemistry Yields Better Explosives
  • (pdf file, 1MB)

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