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Technical Assistance and Training

link to Denver Victim Services 2000 Training Bulletin

  • Denver Victim Services 2000 Training Bulletin
    This bulletin summarizes training initiatives at the Denver Victim Services 2000 project site, including training programs for allied professionals in faith communities, law enforcement settings, and judicial and other legal settings.

  • Office for Victims of Crime/Bureau of Indian Affairs -  Regional Indian Country 2003 Conference Series. The District Specific Training Program is an ongoing effort designed to assist U.S. Attorneys in complying with federal crime victims' legislation and to improve the response of federal criminal justice personnel to the rights and needs of victims of federal crime. The program provides skills-building training to tribal and federal criminal justice personnel and others who assist crime victims in Indian Country.

  • Drug Court Planning. Communities interested in learning more about setting up effective family, adult, juvenile, and tribal drug courts can get technical assistance as part of the Bureau of Justice Assistance’s Drug Court Planning Initiative.

  • Serious and Violent Offender Reentry Initiative. Nearly 600,000 people are released from incarceration yearly and arrive on the doorsteps of communities nationwide. The federal government, through the Office of Justice Programs, offers guidance and direction to communities as they prepare for ex-offenders going home.

  • Missing and Exploited Children. Ongoing regional training programs in child protection and safety are coordinated by the Fox Valley Technical College and funded by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

  • The Bureau of Justice Administration (BJA). Crime prevention, investigation and prosecution technical assistance and training resources, including a training database for state and local law enforcement.

  • Crime Victim Assistance. The Office for Victims of Crime has an extensive website devoted to resources, training and technical assistance available to individuals and organizations working with crime victims.

  • Community-Building Resources. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention has a number of resources to assist communities with juvenile crime and safety issues.

    Visit the three on-line tool kits for building effective partnerships and sustaining programs for children, youth and families.

  • OJJDP's National Training and Technical Assistance Center promotes the use of best practices and supports the delivery of high quality training and technical assistance to the juvenile justice field.

  • The Center for Court Innovation, through the Community Justice Resource Center develops comprehensive information about community justice, makes the information easily accessible, and promotes the idea of community justice. It continues to provide customized technical assistance to jurisdictions developing community justice projects.

  • Center on Rural Crime and Violence Prevention engages rural communities in crime prevention efforts, linking them to local criminal justice systems and helping them develop and evaluate local initiatives. The training or technical assistance offered through this program is available to criminal justice agencies and practitioners on an as-needed basis.

  • Criminal Victimization Survey Software, a software program for localities to conduct their own telephone surveys of residents to collect data on crime victimization, attitudes toward policing, and other community-related issues.

  • Crime Mapping and Analysis Program offers a two week introductory course as well as courses in more advanced applications training to local and state agencies in the areas of crime and intelligence analysis and geographic information systems (GIS). For course schedules and other information, contact Noah Fritz at (800) 416-8086 or (303) 871-2500, by e-mail at

  • Community Policing Resources The COPS Office has collected a wide variety of resources to help you in your efforts to implement community policing.

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