This web page (which you have apparently reached via a bookmark), was used by the old-style, anonymous financial login,
which is no longer supported. Instead, you must now use the new-style
financial login link "Financial Functions", which can be found on the left hand side of the FastLane
Home Page at
If you have questions about how to set up and use the new login, click on the following link:
New FastLane Unified Login. You are encouraged to print out
the information on this link to use for reference.
Points to emphasize are as follows---
- You must first have your Primary Organization User go into the
"Change User Permissions" function to establish someone as
Financial Administrator. Your Primary Organization User (POU)
is the person who has authority to establish and grant permissions
to FastLane Users. If you do not know who your POU is,
your cognizant Grant Accountant can tell you.
The following link lists NSF Accountants and their state assignments:
Institution Ledger Section
- Once the Financial Administrator has been established,
then this person must logon to RESEARCH ADMINISTRATION and
click on "Financial Administrator" in order to grant Financial
Function Permissions to Financial Function Users---
permissions to request cash, file quarterly report, etc.
Note that the role of Financial Administrator and Financial Function User
are different, and the place where they logon is different.
- Once a Financial Function User has been granted permission(s)
by a Financial Administrator, only then can he/she logon to
"Financial Functions". The logon will of course
be with one's FastLane password. The old FCTR/Cash Request password will not work.
Your POU will have provided you with a FastLane password (if you did not already have one).
- If you find that you have unsuccessfully attempted to logon too many times,
and have therefore had your password disabled, you must contact your POU to have it reset.