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Find a Professional: Online Directory of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Programs

This on-line directory contains valuable information about more than 4,000 programs that employ audiologists and speech-language pathologists who hold the Certificate of Clinical Competence (CCC) from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). "Find a Professional" also lists over 300 programs that are recognized as meeting the standards of quality care set forth by the Council on Professional Services Accreditation.

Locate a certified professional by completing the form below:

Help is needed for:
speech, language, or swallowing
hearing or balance
Select multiple states by clicking while pressing the Control key. When selecting multiple states, do not specify a city unless you expect that city name to appear in more than one of the selected states.
Select 'None' under State if searching a country other than the United States or Canada.
In the following age group:
0 - 6 Months
7 Months - 2 Years
3 - 5 Years
6 - 11 Years
    12 - 17 Years
18 - 64 Years
65 - 74 Years
75 - Older
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