AAOS does not track its members by specialty. However, members may elect to categorize their practice to the specialties listed below under Practice Demographics.

This page allows you to search for a member by last name and optionally first name, city, state, zip code, and country. You can also search by a combination of fields.

The percent sign, '%', can be used as a wildcard character in the search. As an example, 'sm%e' in the last name would return last names beginning with 'sm' and containing an 'e' in any other place in the last name.

You must enter either a last name, city, state, zip code, or country to perform a search.

Last name (optional):
First name (optional):
City (optional):
Zip code (optional):
State/Province (optional):
Country (optional):

You can also search by Practice Demographics. Note: not all members have entered their Practice Demographics.
Age Specialties (optional):
Anatomical Specialties (optional):
Treatment Specialties (optional):

Optimal searching is performed by entering last name, state, country, or zip. A search by city is much slower.

Template last modified 19/August/2004 by IS
6300 North River Road Rosemont, Illinois 60018-4262 Phone 847/823-7186 • 800/346-AAOS • Fax 847/823-8125

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