Algeria - 8/2/04

Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments

Last Updated: 8/2/04


President Bouteflika, Abdelaziz
Prime Minister Ouyahia, Ahmed
Min. of Agriculture & Rural Development Barkat, Said
Min. of Commerce Boukrouh, Noureddine
Min. of Communication Haichour, Boudjemaa
Min. of Culture Toumi, Khalida
Min. of Energy & Mining Khalil, Chekib
Min. of Environment Rahmani, Cherif
Min. of Finance Benachenhou, Abdelatif
Min. of Fisheries Mimoune, Smail
Min. of Foreign Affairs Belkhadem, Abdelaziz
Min. of Health Redjimi, Mourad
Min. of Higher Education & Scientific Research Harraoubia, Rachid
Min. of Housing Hamimid, Mohamed Nadir
Min. of Industry Djaaboub, El-Hachemi
Min. of Interior Zerhouni, Nourredine Yazid
Min. of Justice Belaiz, Tayeb
Min. of Labor & Social Security Louh, Tayeb
Min. of Moudjhidine Abbas, Mohamed Cherif
Min. of National Education Benbouzid, Boubekeur
Min. of National Solidarity Abbes, Djamel Ould
Min. of Post, Telecommunication, & Information Technology Tou, Amer
Min. of Public Works Ghoul, Amar
Min. in Charge of Relations With the Parliament Khourdri, Mahmoud
Min. of Religious Affairs Ghlamallah, Bouabdellah
Min. of Small & Medium-Sized Industries Bedbada, Mustapha
Min. of Tourism Kara, Mohamed Seghir
Min. of Transport Maghlaoui, Mohamed
Min. of Vocational Training Khalidi, El Hadi
Min. of Water Resources Sellal, Abdelmalek
Min. of Youth & Sports Ziari, Abdelaziz
Min. Del. in Charge of the Family & Women's Issues Djaafar, Noura Saadia
Min. Del. in Charge of Financial Reform Djoudi, Karim
Min. Del. in Charge of Local Collectives Kabilia, Daho Ould
Min. Del. in Charge of Maghrebian & African Affairs Messahel, Abdelkader
Min. Del. in Charge of National Community Abroad Messadi, Sakina
Min. Del. in Charge of Participation & Promotion of Investments Hamlaoui, Yahia
Min. Del. in Charge of Rural Development Benaissa, Rachid
Min. Del. in Charge of Scientific Research Bendjaballah, Souad
Min. Del. in Charge of Urban Environmental Affairs Boukerzaza, Abderrachid
Speaker of the National People's Assembly (Lower House)  
Speaker of the Council of Nations (Upper House) Bensalah, Abdelkader
Governor, Central Bank Lekasassi, Mohamed
Ambassador to the US Jazairy, Idriss
Permanent Representative to the UN, New York Baali, Abdallah

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