Flood Forecast Mapping, Tar River Basin, North Carolina
                         Illustrating Flood Forecast Map Products Using Historical Data from Hurricane Floyd

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Interactive Maps Mapping Techniques Flood Animations Inland Flooding Floyd Impacts

This site shows examples of future National Weather Service forecast products that will enable communities to better prepare for potential flood conditions. Development of flood forecast map products is being made possible by a cooperative agreement and collaborative effort between the North Carolina Flood Plain Mapping Program, the National Weather Service, and the NOAA Coastal Services Center.

Visit the Southeast River Forecast Center to view flood inundation maps, produced daily, for the Tar River Basin, North Carolina. Choose a location below.

Access Interactive Maps

Follow the links labeled Greenville, Rocky Mount, or Tarboro on the map to the left to view example flood forecast maps based on flooding from Hurricane Floyd (1999).
Map of Tar River Basin, North Carolina-Access interactive maps by following Greenville, Rocky Mount, or Tarboro labels
Note: Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5+, Netscape® 6+, or Mozilla 0.6+ is required to view the interactive maps. The next screen was designed with an intended minimum resolution of 1024 by 768 and a suggested resolution of 1152 by 864.

Historical Flood Information

Understanding the past is one of the primary ways people can prepare for the future. It is for this reason that this site contains historical flood information. The primary focus is on Hurricane Floyd (1999), one of the most devastating flood events recorded in North Carolina history.
arrow Read More about Hurricane Floyd's impacts.

View Flood Map Animations

Link to Rocky Mount time series maps Link to Tarboro time-series maps Link to Greenville time-series maps