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Are You At Risk
Could you have diabetes and not know it? 18.2 million Americans have diabetes - one in three does not know it! Take this test to see if you are at risk for having diabetes. Diabetes is more common in African Americans, Hispanic and Latino Americans, American Indian and Alaska Natives, Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders. If you are a member of one of these ethnic groups, you need to pay special attention to this test* (PDF, 171KB).

If you live in one of the following cities, click on it to download the paper and pencil test and a list of local health centers.
Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma* (PDF, 631KB)
Fayette/Greenbrier Counties, West Virginia* (PDF, 480KB)
Flint, Michigan* (PDF, 654KB)
Harlem/El Barrio - New York* (PDF, 584KB)
Oakland, California* (PDF, 76KB)
Orangeburg County, South Carolina* (PDF, 76KB)
Seattle, Washington* (PDF, 60KB)
Springfield/Holyoke, Massachusetts - Spanish Version* (PDF, 73KB)
Wichita/Sedgwick County, Kansas* (PDF, 505KB)
Wind River Reservation of Wyoming* (PDF, 936KB)

Take an interactive risk test provided as a service by the American Diabetes Association.

Want to learn more about your risk for diabetes? To find out more about your risk for diabetes and what you can do to control it, read "Am I At Risk for type 2 Diabetes? Taking Steps to Lower the Risk of Getting Diabetes."

If You Have Diabetes
There is a wealth of valuable resources available to help you control your diabetes. Learn more about nutrition, physical activity and other key steps that will help you.

If You Have Pre-diabetes
The National Diabetes Education Program has a new tool - "Small Steps. Big Rewards. Your GAME PLAN for Preventing Type 2 Diabetes" - that provides you with information about pre-diabetes and the small steps you can take to prevent or delay the onset of diabetes. Take the first step today by clicking here!

*PDF versions require the free Acrobat® Reader® software for viewing.

Last updated: 08/12/2004
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