The Police Communications Center, staffed by members of the Library
of Congress Police Force, is a vital aspect of the Library's security
Security of the collections, staff, and
visitors in the Library of Congress is a top priority of the institution.
At the same time, the Library maintains its traditional role as an open,
public facility engaged in making its resources available to the American
people. The purpose of this Web site is to provide to public users information
about the Library's security practices and requirements, particularly
those that affect a reader's use of the Library's reading rooms and other
research facilities.
- Entry and Exit Procedures
All members of the public entering any Library building must pass through
a metal detector. All those exiting any Library building must pass through
an electronic theft detection system and open all bags, etc., for inspection.
- Reader Registration
Those who wish to use any Library reading room must first register,
in person, at the Reader Registration Station, present valid photo identification,
and receive a Reader Identification Card.
- Personal Belongings Restrictions
Researchers are restricted from bringing a variety of personal materials
into most of the Library's reading rooms. Cloakrooms are available to
check such materials.
- Closed Stack System
The Library's stacks are closed to the public. Needed materials must
be requested.
- Use of Collections Materials
Materials from the collections of the Library of Congress cannot be
"checked out" by members of the public and removed from the
Library. Materials must be used in the reading room in which they are
- Safeguarding Your Personal Property
Normal precautions should be taken by researchers to safeguard their
personal property while in the Library.
- Conduct on Library Premises
All individuals within the Library must conform to certain standards
of behavior and conduct.
- Video Surveillance
Activity in the Library's reading rooms is monitored by video cameras
and is recorded.
- Key Security Contacts
- General Information for Researchers