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Methodology An
overview of the 2002 survey methodology is presented here. Please note
that complete survey documentation for all survey years can be easily downloaded
using the link under Public-Use Data Files, below. Survey Instrument NAMCS NHAMCS Scope and sample design NAMCS NHAMCS Data collection and processing NAMCS NHAMCS Estimation procedures NAMCS NHAMCS Reliability of survey estimates NAMCS NHAMCS Classification systems used with the NAMCS and NHAMCS International
Classification of Diseases National
Drug Code Directory
Reason for
Visit Classification, Drug Entry List, Generic Ingredient List: These
classifications are updated on an annual basis and printed in the documentation
for each survey year. In addition, text formats for reason for visit, drug
entry, and generic ingredient codes are all available in downloadable SAS
formats for data years 1993-2002 and SPSS syntax files for
2002. The SAS and SPSS formats also include text labels for the following
codes: diagnosis, cause of injury, procedures, and therapeutic class of
drug. List of survey items, 1973-2002 NAMCS NHAMCS
Publicationsusing NAMCS/NHAMCS
Publications List - This contains a complete chronological listing of
citations for all NCHS reports, journal articles, and other publications
using NAMCS and NHAMCS data. It is meant to be a reference document and
does not provide links to downloadable reports. View/download
PDF 230 KB
NCHS Reports - Selected NCHS reports are listed here, which can be
viewed or downloaded.
Data Files (micro-data)(1973-2002) Downloadable data files: Notice:
We are pleased to offer enhanced NAMCS and NHAMCS public-use files for 1993-2002
that contain sample design
variables in masked form. The initial release of the 2000-2002 public-use files includes masked sample design variables. We re-released the
1993-99 NAMCS and NHAMCS files to include these variables. For
re-released files, file names and layouts are essentially the same, but the
design variables have been appended to each file according to a generic
file layout that is available for downloading below. Public-use files for
previous years of data will be re-released with masked sample design
variables on an ongoing basis. NAMCS,
1993-2002 NAMCS,
1973-1992 NHAMCS,
1992-2002 Downloadable documentation:
For data years 1993-99, be sure to download not only the original
file documentation for each year, but also the supplemental files that
explain the new sample design variables that have been added to each
file. The supplemental files also include descriptions of any revisions
that may have been made to the original data files.
1993-2002 NAMCS,
1973-1992 NHAMCS,
1992-2002 Documentation
NAMCS and NHAMCS data can also be downloaded
from the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research
(ICPSR). SAS Documentation:
We now have SAS input statements, variable labels, value labels,
and format assignments available for NAMCS and NHAMCS data years 1993-2002. NAMCS SAS
Input Statements SAS Variable Labels
and Format Assignments SAS Value Labels NHAMCS SAS
Input Statements SAS Variable Labels
and Format Assignments SAS Value Labels SPSS Documentation:
SPSS syntax files for 2002 have been revised to correct some problems.
(1990-2002) NHAMCS
(1992-2001) Notice:
1995-96 CD-ROM Users Data on public-use tape: NAMCS
(1973-97) NHAMCS
of the NAMCS and NHAMCS
by Linda McCaig and David Woodwell
View/download PPT
and Using NAMCS and NHAMCS Data: A Hands-On Workshop (Part 1)
by Susan Schappert
View/download PPT
View/download PDF SETS Workbook
and Using NAMCS and NHAMCS Data: A Hands-On Workshop (Part 2 – Using
Raw-Data Files)
by Don Cherry
View/download PPT
View/download PDF SAS and SUDAAN
NAMCS Data for Injury Analysis
by Linda McCaig
View/download PPT
of EDs Serving High Volumes of Safety Net Patients
by Catharine Burt
View/download PPT
Past Visit Information to Enhance Analysis of NAMCS Data
by Catharine Burt
View/download PPT
View/download PDF
Visits into Patients Using Ambulatory Visit Data
by Esther Hing and Julia Holmes
View/download PPT
Health: Data from the NAMCS and NHAMCS
by Esther Hing
View/download PPT
Data on Medications Collected in the National Health Care Survey
by Catharine Burt
View/download PPT