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Counterterrorism Office
Counterterrorism Finance and Designation Unit
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Counterterrorism Finance and Designation Unit

Attorney General Ashcroft on Terrorist Financing:

"Terrorist money-men should know this: we are hunting down the murderers you support, and we will hunt you down. Just as we will prosecute the terrorist who plants a bomb, we will prosecute the terrorist supporter who writes a check. We will follow the money of terror. And we will pursue the financiers of terror as aggressively as we pursue the thugs who do their dirty work."

The Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism, on behalf of the Secretary of State, implements significant parts of our nation's strategy to cut off financial support to terrorists. Starving terrorists of their access to money, resources, and support is second only to bringing them to justice in our national strategy. The Counterterrorism Finance Unit does this by coordinating the delivery of technical assistance and training to governments around the world that seek to improve their ability to investigate, identify, and interdict the flow of money to terrorist groups. S/CT also works closely with other governments to cut off the sources and flows of support for terrorists.

This Unit leads and coordinates with the U.S. Department of Treasury and the Department of Justice to designate Foreign Terrorist Organizations. Close inter-agency coordination is also required to identify and designate individual terrorists and terrorist organizations using the authority granted in Executive Order 13224.


New E-Journal Looks at "The Global War on Terrorist Finance"
Director of Counterterrorism Finance Programs Celina Realuyo writes on "Building a Counterterrorist Finance Regime." To review the September 2004 publication and see this article, go to:   

Designation of Ansar al-Islam as a Foreign Terrorist Organization (4/22/04) [more]


Director of Counterterrorism Finance Programs Celina Realuyo attended the UN Counter-Terrorism Committee/OSCE Counterterrorism Conference in Vienna

Director of Counterterrorism Finance Programs Celina Realuyo participated in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) STAR II (Secure Trade in the APEC Region) Conference in Vina del Mar, Chile, March 5-6, 2004

Designation of Three Chechen Groups Under Executive Order 13224 [more]

Designation of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar under Executive Order 13224 [more]

Designation of Lashkar I Jhangvi as a Foreign Terrorist Organization [more]

Counterterrorism Finance Workshop Jointly Hosted by Singapore and the United States, Jan. 21-22 [more]

Designation of Two Terrorists
The United States, on January 24, 2003, designated and blocked the assets of two individuals linked to the terrorist organization Jemaah Islamiyah under U.S. Executive Order 13224 [

Executive Order 13224: OFAC List

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