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ED Internet Customer Survey

OMB # 1880-0529

We're trying to improve the Internet services of USNEI and we need your help! Please answer the questions below. It will take only a few minutes. Your answers will help guide future development of this Web site and other ED Internet services.

If you aren't familiar with our services, you may wish to take a few moments to explore the USNEI Home Page before returning to this page to complete the survey.

  1. When you use the U.S. Department of Education's (ED) Internet services, are you doing so as a: (Please check only one)

    Education administrator or manager
    Parent or family member
    Researcher or analyst
    Policy maker or legislator
    Writer or reporter
    Other (please specify)

  2. What is your affiliation? (Please check only one)

    Elementary or secondary (including vocational high schools)
    Junior, community, or technical college
    College or university
    White House or Congress
    Federal government agency
    State government agency
    Local government agency
    Association or non-profit organization
    For-profit organization or business
    No affiliation, private individual
    Other (please specify)

  3. How do you typically access the Internet? (Please check only one)

    14.4kbps or slower modem
    28.8kbps or faster modem
    Direct connection

  4. How often do you visit our World Wide Web site? (Please check only one)

    At least once a week
    At least once a month
    At least once every six months
    Less than once every six months

  5. We want our Internet services to meet your needs. In general, how satisfied are you with the information content? (Please check only one in each row)

    Information Content
    Category Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Don't use/ not applicable
    relevance to your needs
    overall usefulness

    If you'd like to give us some specific examples of areas where you like or don't like the information content, please do so below.

  6. In general, how satisfied are you with the way the information is presented? (Please check only one in each row)

    How the Information is Presented
    Category Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Don't use/ not applicable
    clarity of the writing (readibility, ease of interpretation)
    layout of the material
    clarity of the tables and charts
    amount of graphics (too few, too many)
    clarity of the graphics

    If you'd like to give us some specific examples of areas where you like or don't like the way information is presented, please do so below.

  7. In general, how satisfied are you with the way the information is organized? (Please check only one in each row)

    How the Information is Organized
    Category Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Don't use/ not applicable
    ease of finding information of interest
    ease of finding new material
    menus and categories (clarity, ease of use)
    links (relevance, usefulness)
    search tools

    If you'd like to give us some specific examples of what you like or don't like about how the site is organized, please do so below.

  8. In general, how satisfied are you with the responsiveness of ED Internet services? (Please check only one in each row)

    Category Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Don't use/ not applicable
    Web/gopher screens (quick/sluggish)
    Searches (quick/sluggish)
    webmaster@inet.ed.gov (email inquiries: speed and quality of reply)

    If you'd like to give us some specific examples of what you like or don't like about the responsiveness of our site and services, please do so below.

  9. We want to provide information in formats you can use. Your answers to this question will help us understand how you prefer to use information and in what formats.

    a. Short documents
    How do you prefer to use short documents? (Please check all that apply)
    View/read online
    Download to view offline
    Download to print
    Download to edit or manipulate
    What file format(s) do you prefer? (Please check all that apply)
    Hypertext markup language (.html)
    Plain ASCII text (.txt)
    Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
    Compressed file (.zip)
    Other (please specify)

    b. Long documents
    How do you prefer to use long documents? (Please check all that apply)
    View/read online
    Download to view offline
    Download to print
    Download to edit or manipulate
    What file format(s) do you prefer? (Please check all that apply)
    Hypertext markup language (.html) - collection of short pages
    Hypertext markup language (.html) - single long page
    Plain ASCII text (.txt)
    Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
    Compressed file (.zip)
    Other (please specify)

    c. Tables and charts
    How do you prefer to use tables and charts? (Please check all that apply)
    View/read online
    Download to view offline
    Download to print
    Download to edit or manipulate
    What file format(s) do you prefer? (Please check all that apply)
    Hypertext markup language (.html)
    Plain ASCII text (.txt)
    Adobe Acrobat (.pdf)
    Worksheet (.wk1)
    Bitmap graphic (.gif, .jpeg)
    Compressed file (.zip)
    Other (please specify)

    d. Data sets
    How do you prefer to use data sets? (Please check all that apply)
    Search/view online
    Download to search/view offline
    Download to print
    Download to edit or manipulate
    What file format(s) do you prefer? (Please check all that apply)
    Hypertext markup language (.html)
    ASCII text (.txt) -- comma delimited or column format
    Proprietary format (SAS, SPSS, DBF, etc.)
    Compressed file (.zip)
    Other (please specify)

  10. In the future, would you find any of the following potential applications of more advanced technologies useful? (Please check all that apply)

    Transcripts of speeches and presentations made by the Secretary or other Department representatives
    Audio transcripts
    Video transcripts
    Discussion forums on education topics
    Live "chat" sessions
    Live "town hall" meetings with Department representatives
    Ongoing moderated discussion areas
    Databases and search capabilities
    Education statistics -- published indicators, tables, and charts
    Education statistics -- custom tables generated from education survey data sets
    Database of education resource organizations (national/regional/state) including information centers, technical assistance centers, services for special populations, exemplary schools and projects, etc.
    Full text of all education-related materials at federal Internet sites
    Collections of lesson plans and other teacher materials at federal, state, association, and other sites
    Electronic submission of
    Student aid applications
    Grant applications
    Survey responses
    Orders for printed publications

  11. How could our Internet services better meet your needs? Be as specific as possible.

  12. Please provide any additional comments about ED Internet services you would like that ED does not now offer, including any helpful features of other agencies' or organizations' services that you consider to be worth adopting.

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number of this information collection is 1880-0529. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time to review instructions, search existing data sources, gather the data needed, and complete and review the information collection. If you have any comments concerning the accuracy of the time estimate or suggestions for improving this form, please write to: U.S. Department of Education, Washington, D.C. 20202-4651. If you have any comments or concerns regarding the status of your individual submission of this form, write directly to: National Library of Education, 555 New Jersey Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20208-5725.