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Vendor Information

Vendors: to view information regarding the status of invoices, invoice payments, and other transactions, click here.

Doing Business with the Library of Congress

Vendors and potential vendors can access requests for quotes, request for bids, solicitations, downloadable forms, and other information.

Effective January 1, 2002, all new Library requirements will be posted on the FEDBIZ site.

Let's Do Business

The Library of Congress is committed to attracting suppliers of quality goods and services. Our aim in Contracts & Logistics Services is to provide high quality, on time service, in an efficient manner and at the best price for our Library customers. We are also committed to seeking out and providing opportunities for small, minority, and woman-owned businesses. In concert with our purchasing organization, diversity development ensures the existence of internal and external programs designed to provide diverse suppliers with open access to our contract opportunities.

The Library of Congress' purchasing philosophy is built on four guiding principles:

  1. We make our requirements known and will not restrict the ability of responsible and qualified suppliers to compete for our contracts.
  2. We have no hidden factors in evaluating proposals.
  3. We award contracts to individuals or companies that offer us the best value for our purchasing dollars.
  4. We promote economic development in the community we serve by seeking out and providing access to small, minority, and woman-owned businesses to compete for our contracts.

Contracts and Logistics Vendor Forms
The freely available Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view and print these forms.

Form SF-129 (PDF Format, 67k)
Vendor Survey Form (PDF Format, 100k)