Attorney General for Administration:
Paul R. Corts
Under the direction of the Assistant Attorney General for Administration,
the Division provides assistance to senior management officials
relating to basic Department policy for evaluation, budget and financial
management, personnel management and training, equal opportunity
programs, ethics training and advice, automatic data processing
and telecommunications, security, records management, procurement,
real property, and material management, and for all other matters
pertaining to organization, management and administration.
Division provides direct administrative support services, such as
personnel, accounting, payroll, procurement, budget, and facilities
and property management to the offices, boards and divisions of
the Department; and operates several central services, such as automated
data processing and payroll. The Division supplies automated litigation
support as required to the Department of Justice and to other Federal
agencies involved in litigation.
Division develops, promulgates, and reviews implementation of Department-wide
policies, standards, and procedures for the management of automated
information processing resources and the directive system. The Division
collects, organizes, and disseminates recorded information that
is necessary for the Department to carry out its statutory mandate
and provides general research and reference assistance regarding
information to Department staff, and other Government attorneys,
and members of the public.