LC Z39.50/SRW/SRU Server Configuration Guidelines

This document provides detailed technical information for Z39.50 and SRW client developers and implementors that is necessary in order to access and interwork with the LC Voyager Server (implemented August 31, 1999). This document assumes a general familiarity with Z39.50, SRW, or SRU.

The LC Voyager Z39.50 Server conforms to Z39.50-1995 (Version 3) of the standard. A subset of attributes from the bib-1 attribute set are supported, and codes from the bib-1 diagnostic set are utilized.

LC has implemented Index Data's YAZ Proxy which is functioning as an SRW/SRU/Z39.50 gateway to the Voyager Z39.50 server for the LC Online Catalog. The SRW and SRU Web services conform to version 1.1 of the standard.

Any questions should be sent to Larry Dixson (ldix@LOC.GOV).

Table of Contents

Z39.50 Services Supported

The LC server supports the following services:


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SRW/SRU Services Supported

The LC SRW/SRU server supports the following services:


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Internet Addresses, Databases, and Hours of Availability

Library of Congress Online Catalog
    Domain name:    (
    Port:  7090
    Database name:  Voyager
    Availability:  24 hours/day; 7 days/week
    Z39.50 Explain record:   LC Online Catalog Z39.50 Explain Record
    SRW/SRU Base URL:
    SRW/SRU Explain record:  LC Online Catalog SRW/SRU Explain Record

National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped.
 International Union Catalog
    Domain name:    (
    Port:  7490
    Database name:  Voyager
    Availability:  24 hours/day; 7 days/week
    Z39.50 Explain record:  NLS/BPH Explain Record

Note:  IP address of production server was "" prior to May 16, 2000.

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Initialization Service (Z39.50)

Protocol Version
    Z39.50-1995 (Version 3)

Options Supported

Preferred Message Size
    LC will negotiate Client down to 32,768 bytes if requested size exceeds
    32,768 bytes, and accept Client proposal if it is less than 32,768 bytes.

Maximum Record Size
    Server will accept Client proposal

ID Authentication
    User-id and password are not required by LC Server

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Search Service

Result Set Name
    Only "default" is supported (case insensitive)

Database Names (case insensitive)
    Use "Voyager"

    Type-1 only is supported

Attribute Set ID
    Bib-1 only is supported

    The Result Set ID (i.e., "default") cannot be used in the Operand.
    Qualifying searches are not supported

Operators Supported:

Result Set Maximum is 10,000 records

Session Inactivity Timer
    3 minutes

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Present Service (Z39.50)

Record Syntaxes Supported
    MARC 21  (OID = 1.2.840.10003.5.10)
    OPAC   (OID = 1.2.840.10003.5.102)
    XML   (OID = 1.2.840.10003.5.109.10)

Element Set Names Supported
    "F"  --  Full (MARC and OPAC records)
    "dc"  --  Dublin Core (XML records)
    "mods"  -- MODS (XML records)
    "marcxml" -- MARCXML (XML records), default schema for XML

Present Response Maximum is 50 records

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XML Schemas Supported (SRW/SRU)

"dc" -- Dublin Core
"mods" -- MODS
"marcxml" -- MARCXML - the default schema

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Queries Supported (SRW/SRU)

Dublin Core Index

Bath Index

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Use Attributes Supported (Z39.50):

      Value   Description    
      -----   -------------------------
        1     Personal name              
        2     Corporate name            
        3     Conference name            
        4     Title                    
        5     Title series            
        6     Uniform title             
        7     ISBN                     
        8     ISSN                    
        9     LCCN                      
       13     Dewey classification    
       16     LC call number          
       17     NLM call number
       20     Other call number
       21     Subject heading        
       25     MeSH subject heading
       27     LC subject heading
       31     Date of publication
       33     Title -- key          
       41     Title -- variant         
       42     Title -- former         
       43     Title -- abbreviated   
       48     Number -- national bibliography         
       50     Number -- government pub. 
       51     Number -- music publisher 
       54     Code -- language
       55     Code -- geographic area
       56     Code -- institution 
       57     Name and title 
       58     Name geographic           
       59     Place of publication
       60     CODEN
       62     Abstract
       63     Note                      
     1002     Name                     
     1003     Author                   
     1004     Author (personal name)    
     1005     Author (corporate name)  
     1007     Standard identifier
     1008     LC children's subject
     1009     Subject (personal name)   
     1016     Any (keyword)             
     1018     Name of publisher             
     1019     Location
     1027     Standard technical report number     
     1031     Material type (245$h)
     1032     Electronic location and access              
     1056     Dissertation note
     1074     Subject (name)
     1078     Subject (title)
     1079     Subject (topical)
     1107     Additional format note
     1185     Credits/performers  
     1209     Electronic access

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Relation Attributes Supported (Z39.50):

      Value   Description      
      -----   --------------- 
        3     Equal         

        Values other than "3" are accepted, but not regarded.

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Position Attributes Supported (Z39.50):

      Value   Description    
      -----   ---------------
        1     First in field 
        3     Any           

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Structure Attributes Supported (Z39.50):

      Value   Description     
      -----   ---------------  
        1     Phrase   

        Values other than "1" are accepted, but not regarded.

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Truncation Attributes Supported (Z39.50):

      Value   Description     
      -----   --------------- 
        1     Right truncation
      100     Do not truncate 

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Completeness Attributes Supported (Z39.50):

      Value  Description     
      -----  --------------------   
        1    Incomplete subfield 

        Values other than "1" are accepted, but not regarded.  

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Required and Default Attributes

      Requirements and Defaults:   The Use attribute is REQUIRED.

      For the other attributes, if an attribute type and value are
      not supplied by the client, the following defaults are
      applied at LC:

            RELATION:     --  Equal (value=3)
            POSITION:     --  Any   (value=3)
            STRUCTURE:    --  Phrase (value=1)
            TRUNCATION:   --  Do not truncate  (value=100)
            COMPLETENESS: --  Incomplete subfield (value=1)

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Search Term Processing in LC System

    Keyword searches (i.e., Position attribute = "any-position-in-field"):
        Keyword search terms can appear anywhere in the field.
        If multiple words appear in the same search term, the search
           term will be processed as a phrase (ordered, adjacent word list).
        If the words appear in separate operands (ANDed together) they can
           appear in different fields in the same record.
        Personal name keywords:  A keyword search term can be the first,
           middle, or last name.  If more than one name appears in the search
           term of a keyword search, the order is significant.  Last name
           should precede first name.
        Keyword indexing does not include phrases that cross subfield 
           boundaries.  If the search term contains a phrase that may cross
           subfield boundaries (e.g., subject heading, LC call number, etc.),
           use a left-anchored (right-truncated) search.  (In other words,
           Position attribute = "first-in-field"; Truncation attribute =
           "right truncation".)

    Phrase searches (i.e., multiple-word search terms):
        Phrase search terms can appear anywhere in the field.
        Phrase searches that include the "First-in-field" Position 
           attribute should begin with the first significant word in
           the field.
        Personal name phrase searches:  The order in which the names appear
           in the search term is significant.  In other words, the surname
           should appear first (with or without comma) in order to match
           against entry fields in LC indexes.

    Number searches (ISBN, ISSN, LCCN, etc.):
       Use a hyphen in all ISSN search terms (e.g., 1234-5678).
       Do not include hyphens in ISBN or LCCN search terms.
       LCCN search terms should be in normalized format (i.e., include
           any prefix, spaces, or zero fill).  For example, LCCN 91-13
           should be "91000013" in the search term.  

    Qualifying Searches:
       Searches are not supported against previous result sets.
    Wild Card/Truncation:
       The questions mark ("?") is supported as a truncation character.

    Sort Order:
       Keyword searches:
           Records in keyword search result sets are in order by the Voyager
           control number (MARC field 001).
       Left-anchored searches:
           Records in left-anchored search result sets are sorted by the 
           field being searched (e.g., title, subject, LC call number, etc.). 

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Limitations of Voyager Server

    There is a limit of 10,000 records that can be retrieved in a result

    Since March 4, 2002, the LC server supports the complete MARC 21
       character set.  Diacritics and special characters present in
       records returned by the Z39.50 server are now encoded correctly.
       Records in JACKPHY languages that were loaded at LC prior to
       mid-February, 2002, contain incorrectly coded escape sequences
       that do not conform to the MARC 21 standard.  This means that
       there are approximately 400,000 records with corrupted 880 fields
       that need to be corrected.  It is anticipated that these records
       will be corrected by early 2004.

    It is not possible to search the LC authority files via Z39.50.  

    When the Voyager server result set is a medium or a small set (based on
       the size of result set in relation to large-set, small-set, and
       medium-set number parameters in the Search Request) the following
       three encoding problems can result:
            1) When records are expected in the Search Response (e.g., a
               medium set or a small set), the presentStatus is a "0"
               (success) instead of a "5" (failure).
            2) When a non-surrogate diagnostic record is returned instead
               of result set records in the Search Response, the value
               of numberOfRecordsReturned is a "0" instead of a "1".
            3) The non-surrogate diagnostic record never contains an
               addInfo (which is mandatory in the standard). 
       If these problems are making interworking with the Voyager server
       difficult, it is suggested that the client small-set and medium-set 
       number be set to zero and the large-set to one (making every set a
       large set) until these server problems have been corrected by Endeavor.

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