Agricultural Marketing Service at USDA
Dairy Programs
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Forward Pricing Pilot Program
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Information for the Period from September 2000 through December 2003 Dairy Programs has continued to collect data concerning the Dairy Forward Pricing Program since submission of a report to Congress, A Study of the Dairy Forward Pilot Program and Its Effect on Prices Paid Producers for Milk, October 2002 (See below).  The study period for that report ended in March 2002.  The tables and figures in this file present data covering the period from September 2000 through December 2003.

Information for January 2004 through June 2004 is expected to be available in January 2005.  

A Study of the Dairy Forward Pricing Program & Its Effects on Prices Paid Producers for Milk  [Report with Appendices, Report, Appendices  - PDFs]  - Report submitted to the Senate Committee On Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry and the House Committee on Agriculture. Contact: Jerry Cessna

Federal Register Notice of Request for Revision of a Currently Approved Information Collection - Request for Comments [Deadline for submitting comments:  August 27, 2001 ]

Program Announcement (Final Rule) - 7/17/00 

Final Rule for Dairy Forward Pricing Pilot Program [published in the July 18, 2000, Federal Register]

SUMMARY: The Agricultural Marketing Service has implemented a pilot program which exempts handlers regulated under the Federal milk order program from paying producers and cooperative associations the minimum Federal order price(s) for that portion of their milk that is under forward contract. The pilot program, which was mandated by a November 1999 amendment to the Agricultural Marketing Agreement Act of 1937, will expire on December 31, 2004.

Questions & Answers Concerning Pilot Forward Contract Pricing Program 

Forward Pricing Pilot Program Fact Sheet and Disclosure Statement 

Contact: Clifford Carman

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