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Office of Headquarters Procurement Services

Doing Business with Headquarters

Electronic Business Innovation -  A secure, web-enabled system, the Industry Interactive Procurement System (IIPS), was implemented in October 1999.  The dollar value of these transactions exceeds the simplified acquisition threshold.  IIPS provides for the posting of solicitations, receipt of proposals, conducting of clarifications or discussions, evaluation of proposals or bids, and award of contracts in a paperless environment via the Internet.   To get more information about IIPS and to view current business opportunities, or to subscribe and/or register your company, click here.  For information on the simplified acquisition system, awards typically under $100,000, go to our EC-Web site.  A combined registration page for both systems is available at .

Civil Rights Brochures - All recipients of Federal Financial Assistance awards (grants and cooperative agreements) are to be provided Title VI and Title IX Civil Rights brochures and a Nondiscrimation poster.  These materials are available in Adobe Acrobat portable document file (PDF) format by clicking on the title of document shown below.

"Your Rights Under the Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964" 
"Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Federally Assisted Programs"
Poster, "Equal Opportunity, It's the Law!"

Potential Subcontracting Business Opportunities -  [UPDATED February 4, 2000]  This listing is intended to highlight potential Headquarters Procurement Services subcontracting business opportunities for small, small disadvantaged, and woman-owned business firms.   This listing is presented in Corel WordPerfect 8.

Business Information Links - [ADDED February 5, 2000]  This listing contains links to sites which provides you with information and contacts for doing business with the US Department of Energy as well as useful information from other federal agencies.


to DOE's Electronic Commerce Virtual Business  E-Center  Page
A convenient, comprehensive and extensive electronic communications information center for information about the Department's acquisition and financial assistance opportunities and the place to initiate business transactions.
Assistance to Customers Program
Click here to visit our page designed to electronically provide the most frequent items requested to assist our customers in submitting a 'perfect' procurement request.
Effective Use of Federal Supply Schedules
DOE Organizations can click here to learn how to submit requirements for items and services.
Contractors/Vendors can click here to learn how to be placed on a Federal Supply Schedule.
Program and Contracting Organizations can click here to learn what items and services are available and how to place orders.
Javits-Wagner-O'Day Federal Supply Source
Click here to shop for products available for sale through   Most of these  items provided to the Federal Government under the Javits-Wagner-O’Day Act, (JWOD), a mandatory source of supply for all Federal government employees.
Purchase Cardholder Information
Guidelines for Government purchase cardholders at Headquarters. A comprehensive reference guide for all Headquarters purchase cardholders, the Guidelines were last revised in July 2001. The guidelines are presented in Word 97.  
List of DOE HQ Purchase Cardholders (revised on May 16,  2001)
Need to nominate someone to be a cardholder.  Download the Recommendation for Appointment here.
EC-Web Buyers Guidelines for Government EC-Web buyers at Headquarters. A comprehensive reference guide for the use of EC-Web buyers, the Guidelines are effective as of March 18, 1999.   The guidelines are presented in WordPerfect 6/7/8. 
Close-out Manual used by the Office of Headquarters Procurement Services.  A comprehensive reference guide for personnel involved in the close-out process.  The manual was published in July  1999. The manual is presented in Word 97. 
What Headquarters Procurement Services Buys:   These listings depict the types of supplies and services acquired by Headquarters Procurement Services by Product and Service Code (PSC) and Standard Industrial Classification Code (SIC) .  The listings identify the types of transactions awarded by PSC and SIC during Fiscal Year 2000.



A brief description of our organization, its goals, philosophy and leadership can be found by clicking here >> Introduction to Headquarters Procurement Services.

The Office of Headquarters Procurement Services is organized to provide dedicated quality customer services apportioned along programmatic lines. The Management Team and our Account Executives are senior personnel aligned with Headquarters programmatic offices and are the points of contact for all acquisition issues, from advanced acquisition planning to placement of awards.  Please contact the appropriate   Management Team or Account Executive counterpart if you have acquisition or assistance questions, or if you require assistance in formulating an acquisition strategy.  Follow one of these links to locate your counterpart>> the Management Team OR our Program Assignment Listing .

We appreciate your interest in our activities and in doing business with the Department of Energy.  Your comments or suggestions are an integral component in improving the usefulness of this site.   Please send any suggestions or comments to