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Grulla National Wildlife Refuge

Don Clapp, Manager
P.O. Box 549
Muleshoe, Texas 79347
Phone: 806/946-3341
Fax: 806/946-3317
FW2 RW Muleshoe

How to Get There: From Muleshoe, Texas: Go south on Highway 214 13 miles to Needmore, then follow FM 298 northwest approximately 15 miles to the New Mexico state line. Turn left onto the 1/2 mile long entrance road, which ends at a small parking area. From Portales, New Mexico: Go approximately 25 miles southeast on Highway 88 to the Texas state line, then turn right onto the refuge entrance road.

Index: Things to do at the Refuge, Species List, A Few Simple Rules, Volunteering at the Refuge.

Grulla National Wildlife Refuge is located in Roosevelt County, New Mexico, near the small town of Arch, approximately 25 miles northwest of Muleshoe National Wildlife Refuge. Grulla NWR, which is managed by the staff at Muleshoe NWR, is 3,236 acres, more than 2,000 of which is the saline lake bed of Salt Lake. The rest of the refuge is grassland.

When the lake holds sufficient water, Grulla NWR is a beneficial wintering area for lesser sandhill cranes. Ring-necked pheasant, scaled quail, and lesser prairie chicken are also often seen on or near the refuge.

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Things to do at the Refuge

Grulla NWR is open to wildlife observation and viewing. There is a small parking area near the entrance, as well as an interpretive trail.

Wildlife Viewing Tips

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Species Lists

Birds of Grulla NWR

A Few Simple Rules

To protect habitat and keep Grulla NWR a safe place for wildlife and people, please follow these simple rules:

Volunteering at the Refuge

Volunteers are needed year round to help with various refuge tasks, including maintenance, waterfowl banding, wildlife surveys, and visitor services. Please contact the refuge for more information.

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SeeNew Mexico Links for more information about natural areas and tourism in New Mexico.

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http://sturgeon.irm.r2.fws.gov/u2/refuges/newmex/mule.html - revised April 15, 2002

KEYWORDS=fish, wildlife, animals, birds, volunteer, New Mexico, refuge
