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Maxwell National Wildlife Refuge

Patricia Hoban, Refuge Manager
P.O. Box 276
Maxwell, New Mexico 87728
Phone: 505/375-2331
Fax: 505/375-2332
FW2 RW Maxwell

How to Get There: From Raton, take I-25 south to Maxwell, go north on State Highway 445 .8 mile and west on State Highway 505 approximately 2.5 miles. Turn north at entrance sign (1.5 miles to headquarters).

Index: Wildlife, Species Lists, Things to do at the Refuge.

At an altitude of 6,050 feet, Maxwell National Wildlife Refuge is made up of more than 3,000 acres of gently rolling prairie, playa lakes, and farmland for waterfowl.

Rangeland and reclaimed farmland on the refuge are made up of a variety of grasses including blue grama, galleta, sand dropseed, threeawn, and buffalo grass, as well as fourwing saltbush and cactus.

Several lakes on the refuge provide approximately 700 acres of roosting and feeding habitat for waterfowl. During wet years, the shoreline vegetation of the lakes is dense enough to aid waterfowl nesting. During dry years, the constantly changing shoreline is beneficial to shorebirds.

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The refuge provides a winter haven for migrating waterfowl, including mergansers, mallards, gadwalls, pintails, redheads, wigeon, Canada geese, and snow geese. Numbers of waterfowl can peak at over 90,000 birds during the fall. Other bird species that may be seen on the refuge include willow flycatcher, Hammond's flycatcher, Swainson's thrush, warbling vireo, indigo bunting, bald eagle, peregrine falcon, prairie falcon, osprey, and burrowing owl.

Species Lists

Birds of Maxwell NWR

Things to do at the Refuge

Wildlife observation, photography, and limited fishing are all available at Maxwell. Please contact the refuge for more information.

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Last Updated July 10, 2002

KEYWORDS=fish, wildlife, animals, birds, fishing, New Mexico, refuge
