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Use of Social Security Numbers for Organizational Management of FastLane

After an extensive study of the possible items of information that would uniquely identify an individual, NSF has decided to use the Social Security Number (SSN) to identify an individual as registered user of FastLane. Among the reasons for this decision were the possibility that an individual can be at more than one organization, that the NSF PI table uses SSNs to identify Principal Investigators (PIs), that individuals' names can be changed or misspelled, and that email addresses can be reused.

As a government agency, NSF recognizes that the requirement for using SSN is optional and will follow all aspects of the Privacy Act in the use of the SSN. Administrative users at the organizations who may have access to individuals' SSNs must be aware that within the FastLane project, no SSN will be displayed as a part of a printed report and the SSN will be shown in screens on the FastLane only where necessary for verification purposes. When an organization registers with NSF to be a FastLane organization, the primary organization user will be given detailed instructions regarding the use of SSNs and the Privacy Act (see attached Privacy Act Notice).

Registering PIs as FastLane Users
When an organization installs an individual in its FastLane User Table that individual can access FastLane functions, the organization must be aware that there is a tight integration between the FastLane User Table and the NSF PI system. The PI related functions include Proposal Forms Preparation, Proposal Status Inquiry, Notification and Requests Preparation, and Final Project Preparation/Submission. Because of this relationship between the FastLane User Table and the NSF PI system, the SSNs that are used with the FastLane must be the same SSNs that are on the NSF PI System.

For PIs Currently on the NSF PI System
When an organization registers with NSF as a FastLane organization, all the PIs on the NSF PI system with that organization as a primary address will be loaded in that organization's FastLane User Table. These individuals will be loaded with the SSN that is assigned to them on the NSF PI system. For those individuals who have declined to provide their SSNs to NSF, a pseudo-SSN has been created for them on the NSF PI system. This same pseudo-SSN will be used in creating them as FastLane users. A pseudo-SSN is an SSN that begins with three zeroes (000). Because Proposal Preparation uses the SSN as part of the validation process for PIs, if a pseudo-SSN is being used to identify a PI, it is critical for the SRO to notify the PI what the pseudo-SSN is. This is the SSN that the PI must use to access the Proposal Preparation.

Changing a Pseudo-SSN to a Real SSN
If a PI decides that it is acceptable to use his/her real SSN and the PI is already on the NSF PI system with a pseudo-SSN, you must coordinate the change to the real SSN with NSF. To coordinate a change to a real SSN, please contact the NSF, Division of Information Systems, FastLane Administration Staff (email: fastlane@nsf.gov).

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Adding New PIs
To be added as PI or Co-PI, please send an e-mail message with the following information to your organization's FastLane administrator (your Sponsored Research Office, or its equivalent):

Highest Degree:
Year Conferred:
Present organization:
Street Address:
Zip Code:
Social Security Number (SSN):
Email Address:
Business Phone Number:
Business Fax Number:

If a PI does not want to use his/her real Social Security Numb er, then a request to FastLane Administration Staff should be made to assign a pseudo Social Security Number for that PI or Co-PI. In this case all the information requested, as above, with the exception of a Social Security Number should be sent to: (fastlane@nsf.gov). The person sending the email will be notified by the pseudo Social Security Number. The SRO "should not" assign any pseudo Social Security Number.

Privacy Act Notice
Submission of Social Security Numbers is voluntary and will not affect the organization's eligibility for an award. However, they are an integral part of the NSF Information System and assist in access and processing of FastLane related functions. SSN is solicited under NSF Act of 1950, as Amended.

Purposes and Uses
The primary use of the SSN is to verify the user to the FastLane system and to establish a relationship between the FastLane user and the NSF PI system. The SSN used by the FastLane System is not used in any printed reports and is available through on-line screens only to FastLane users who have an established need to view the SSN.

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Last Modified:
May 22, 2001 (RG)

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