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Instructions for Organizational Management of FastLane

The Organizational Management of FastLane contains applications for organizational and research administration functions. Organizational representatives can Add/Modify/Delete FastLane users, change/initialize user Passwords, maintain user permissions, generate reports, submit/view status of notifications and requests to NSF, and submit proposals to NSF.

Log-In Screen
After the Organizational Management of FastLane is selected from the FastLane homepage, the Log In screen appears. Type in your SSN, last name, and Password and then click on the 'Login' button. If these three items do not match FastLane database, you will get login failure message. You should check and re-enter these items. If the three items do match our database, the system will allow you to proceed with the Organizational Management of FastLane, otherwise contact our help desk user support at:

Organizational Management of FastLane Menu
After successfully logging in, the Organizational Management of FastLane menu screen appears. This screen lists the various organizational applications you are allowed to access. Because the items on this list are determined by the permissions given to the user, the list will vary from user to user. Click the Go button for the application you want to work on.

FastLane User
When an organization is registered with FastLane, its FastLane contact person/SRO gets all the permissions to administer the administrative functions. It is then the SRO's responsibility to add new FastLane users and update existing users.

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Name Retrieval
When using one of the applications that retrieves a name, we recommend that the first option Retrieve Users with last names that start with characters be used and that the first three characters of the last name be typed into the box. If the user table is large, the second option to retrieve all users for the organization will take a long time to appear.

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Add, Modify, and Delete FastLane User
Use the Add, Modify, and Delete FastLane Users application to add, modify, and delete users from the FastLane. After the name is retrieved. If the user is not on the list, click on the Add button. If you want to modify information about a user, highlight the name of the user and click on the Modify button. If you want to remove a user from the FastLane, highlight the name of the user and click on the Delete button.

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Add a New FastLane User
Click on the 'Add New User' button and the Add a FastLane User screen appears. Type in the requested information. The fields beginning with an asterisk are required fields. If the user does not want to use his/her own SSN, leave the SSN field empty and system will generate a pseudo-SSN for that user. Required fields are Last Name, First Name, E-mail Address, and User Password. You should also provide Phone Number, and Fax Number. Type in the Password twice. When satisfied with the entries, click on the Add New User button. A screen appears stating that this user has been added. Click on the Continue button.

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Modify a FastLane User
Highlight the name of the user and click on the Modify button, the Modify a FastLane User screen appears. This screen allows you to update user information. After you have updated the user information and click on the Modify User button. A screen then appears stating that the user has been modified. Click on the Continue button.

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Delete a FastLane User
Highlight the name of the user you want to delete and click on the Delete button, a delete confirmation screen will be displayed. If the information displayed is correct and it is the person you intend to delete then click on the Delete User button to complete the delete process. If it is not the correct person, click on the Back button.

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Change User Permissions
The Change User Permissions application allows you to change the access permissions for FastLane users for your organization. These permissions are for the organizational management of FastLane. Each organization determines who gets which permission. Usually the PI has no use for permission as he/she can access the FastLane homepage for all needs. Click on the small box next to the permission description. A check appearing in the box denotes permission for that function. Once permissions have been added or removed for the selected user, click on the OK button.

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Initialize/Change User Password
The Initialize/Change User Password application allows you to change the Passwords for FastLane users for your organization. When the Change User Password screen appears, type in the user's new Password twice. Use the Tab key to move to the next entry box. Because the system does not echo back the characters of the Password, we require you to type it twice to assure that no error is made while typing it. Once you have typed the new Password twice, click on the Change Password button. A confirmation screen appears stating that the Password has been changed for that user. Click on the Continue button. Because an email message is sent whenever a Password is changed or initialized, it is extremely important to have correct user's email address for each FastLane user.

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Organizational Reports
When the Report screen appears, select from the list of the available reports-- Recent Proposals, Recent Awards, Active Awards, Final Project Reports, and Continuing Grant Increments, and click on the OK button. The reports that appear contain all pertinent information. When the proposal/award number is clicked on, an abstract appears. All reports can be printed. On the Recent Proposals screen, select the report type Pending, Recommended for Funding, Declined, or ALL. Scroll down the page, if needed, select the date of most recent status change. The default is a year ago from today's date. Then sort the report by PI last name, status, proposal number, or performing organization. Click on the inverted triangle to the right of PI last name for the pop-down box with available options. Click on the one desired. Click on the OK button. On the Recent Awards screen, type in the date from where the report will begin, decide how the information is to be sorted by PI Last Name, Award Number, Award Expiration Date, and Performing Organization. Click on the OK button. On the Active Awards screen, click on the way you want the report to be sorted, and click on the OK button. On the Final Projects Report screen, click on the type of report - Overdue, Due within 30 Days, Due in more than 30 days, or ALL. Click on how the report should be sorted - by Final Project Report Due Date, PI Last Name, Award Number, or Performing Organization. Click on the OK button. On the Continuing Grants screen, click on the fiscal year the increment is due -FY98, FY99, FY00, FY01. Click on the way the report is to be sorted - PI Last Name, Award Number, Increment Due Date, or Performing Organization. Click on the OK button.

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Administer Notifications or Requests
This option allows the Research Administration to prepare, to view/submit or check the status of your forwarded or submitted notifications or request forms prepared by PIs or SROs. Type in the Award number and then click on the appropriate button. On Prepare Notification/Request screen, a dialog box contains a list of all the current awards of that organization. Highlight the award and click on the Prepare Notification/Request button. The list of requests includes Grantee Approved No-Cost Extension, Significant Changes in Methods/Procedures, Significant Changes/Delays or Events of Unusual Interest (Other than changes in objective or scope), Short-Term Absence of the PI/PD (up to Three Months), Anticipated Residual Funds in excess of $5,000 or 5%, Conflicts of Interests which cannot be satisfactorily managed. The list of Notifications include NSF Approved No-Cost Extension, Changes in Objective or Scope, Long-Term Absence of the PI/PD (over Three Months), Significant Change in Person-Months Devoted to Project, Withdrawal of PI/Co-PI, Pre-award Costs in Excess of 90 Days, Reallocation of Funds Budgeted for Participant or Trainee Support Costs, Rearrangement/Alteration over $25,000, Request to Change Effective Date, PI Transfer, Change of PI, and Addition of Award Subcontract. Select an appropriate radio button and create/submit the form. On the Review/Submit Forwarded Notification/Request, a listing of the forwarded Notifications and Requests appears. Highlight one and click on the appropriate button to view, print or submit to NSF.

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Submit Proposals to NSF
This function allows the Research Administration to submit proposal forms to NSF. Both submitted proposals and proposals not yet submitted can be viewed and/or printed.

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Last Modified:
July 03, 2001 (AB)

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