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PIH Program Handbooks and Guidebooks List

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The handbooks referenced below are all available on HUDClips. To access the handbooks, follow the steps listed below:

  1. From the HUDClips main page, click on the Library link.
  2. Scroll down the page until you see Handbooks and Notices. Select the Public and Indian Housing radio button and then click Browse.
  3. A list of all titles will appear with links to document subsections.

Handbooks and Guidebooks

Title Description
Public Housing Development Handbook Instructions, guidelines, and processing procedures for use by HUD Area Offices, Multifamily Service Offices, and Regional Offices, PHAs, and other participants involved in the development of a public housing project.
Preparation of a Life-cycle Cost Analysis To analyze the utility system of a proposed new construction/substantial rehabilitation public or Indian housing development and evaluate the cost-effectiveness of a passive/active solar system in public or Indian housing development projects.
Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program Provides guidance to HUD's Field and Regional Office staffs as well as to PHAs in the application procedures and administration of the Section 8 Existing Housing Assistance Payments Program (Existing Housing) and the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Housing Assistance Payments Program.
Housing Assistance Payments Program Accounting Prescribes the minimum HUD requirements for those PHAs administering Housing Assistance Payments Program projects pursuant to an Annual Contributions Contract (ACC).
Public Housing Agency Adminstrative Practices Handbook for the Existing Housing Program

Announcement of the cancellation of Handbook 7420.7- - "Public Housing Agency Adminstrative Practices Handbook for the Existing Housing Program."

Housing Choice Voucher Progam Guidebook Advises Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and other organizations providing services to PHAs regarding the administration of the tenant-based subsidy programs.
Low-Income Leased Housing Handbook canceled as a requirement, but retained as guidance to understanding and interpreting the regulations.
Indian Housing Management Guidebook Designed to provide IHAs with the guidance and tools to be successful managers of IHA rental and homeownership housing programs.
Public Housing Certification Program Handbook Details the requirements for the certification of Housing Managers and Assistant Housing Managers employed by Public Housing Agencies (PHAs), pursuant to the regulation set forth in 24 CFR Part 867.
Security Planning for HUD-Assisted Multifamily Housing Provides practical guidance to Local Housing Authorities (LHAs) and to owners and managing agents of HUD-insured housing in planning measures for the protection of persons and property against crime and vandalism in and around HUD-assisted multifamily housing projects.
Public Housing Management Assessment Program (PHMAP) Provides guidance for the Public Housing Management Assessment Program (PHMAP) PHMAP provides policies and procedures for the Department to identify public housing agency (PHA) management capabilities and deficiencies, address problem areas and poor performance, and provide technical assistance in such areas to PHAs.
Field Office Monitoring of Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) Establishes requirements and methods to be used by Field Offices to monitor PHAs. Field Offices should focus their efforts on those PHAs that are determined to be in the greatest need of attention.
Procurement Handbook for Public and Indian Housing Authorities Sets forth the operational requirements, procedures and guidance on procurement for use by larger (generally those with 250 or more units) PHAs and Indian Housing Authorities (IHAs).
Public Housing Occupancy Handbook Provides PHAs with HUD policy and advice on occupancy matters related to the Lower Income Public Housing Program.
The Public Housing Occupancy Audit Handbook Updates and modifies Handbook 7465.2 REV., dated 9/85, and provides instructions and technical guidance to HUD Office staff in performing Occupancy Audits of PHAs.
The Public and Indian Housing Occupancy Reporting Handbook Provides guidance, instructions and technical assistance to public housing agencies (PHAs), Indian Housing Authorities (IHAs) and HUD offices on occupancy and tenant data reporting.
Indian HOME Program Grants Administration Procedures for HUD Field Offices of Native American Programs (FONAPs) and grantees to follow for the Indian HOME program.
Financial Management Handbook Canceled as a requirement, but retained as guidance to understanding and interpreting the regulations.
Audits of Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and Indian Housing Handbook canceled as a requirement, but retained as guidance to interpreting the regulations.
Public and Indian Housing Comprehensive Improvement Assistance Provides instructions, guidelines and processing procedures for use by HUD Field and Regional Offices, PHAs and other participants involved in the comprehensive improvement of public housing projects.
The Public Housing Modernization Standards Handbook Provides design, construction and environmental criteria for the rehabilitation of public housing, including Indian housing, projects under the Comprehensive Improvement Assistance Program (CIAP).
The Comprehensive Grant Program Provides instructions, guidance and processing procedures for use by HUD Field Offices, including Offices of Native American Programs, PHAS and IHAs, residents, and other interested parties involved in the modernization of Public and Indian Housing under the Comprehensive Grant Program (CGP).
Changes to the Lead-Based Paint Poisoning Prevention Contains policies and procedures for notifying purchasers and tenants of lower income public housing constructed prior to 1978 of the hazards of lead-based paint and of the advisability and availability of blood lead level screening for children under 7 years of age.
Resident Initiatives Grants Management Contains instructions for the administration of the grant programs of the Office of Resident Initiatives (ORI), Office of Public and Indian Housing (PIH), by Field Offices and Offices of Indian Programs (referred to herein as local HUD Offices).
Public and Indian Housing Low-Rent Technical Accounting Guide Provides guidance on the financial management standards required by regulation and the Annual Contributions Contract (ACC), identifies the types of financial information HA's must maintain in order to report to HUD, and prescribes the uniform chart of accounts that HAs must use to ensure consistency in reporting to HUD the source and application of funds for operating income and expense, and for development and modernization costs.
Public and Indian Housing Development and Modernization Fund Sets forth policies and procedures for the requisition of public and Indian Housing development and modernization funds by a Public Housing.
Collection of Public and Indian Housing Receipts Implements procedures for PHAs/Indian Housing Authorities (IHAs) designed to improve the collection of Public Housing (PH) receipts by wire transfer.
Public and Indian Housing Lobbying Provides guidance to HUD Field Offices, Public Housing Agencies (PHAs), certain Indian Housing Authorities (IHAs), Resident Management Corporations (RMCs), and PHA/IHA or RMC contractors and subcontractors concerning limitations on the payment of funds to influence Federal transactions for the Public and Indian Housing Program.


Content updated December 3, 2001   Follow this link to go  Back to top   
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