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1998 Notices, Rules and Regulations

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1998 Notices

See Also:

2002 PIH Notices > 2001 PIH Notices >2000 PIH Notices > 1999 PIH Notices > 1998 PIH Notices > 1997 PIH Notices > 1996 PIH Notices > PIH Notices 1994-1995

Notice Issued/Expires Title

PIH 98-66 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 2 pages)

Expires: 12/31/99

Exclusion of Earned Income as Census Takers.
PIH 98-65 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 2 pages)
Expires: 12/31/99
Renewal of Expiring Contracts in the Section 8 Tenant-Based Program During Federal Fiscal Year 1999
PIH 98-64 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 6 pages)
Expires: 09/30/99
HUD’s FY 1999 Appropriations Act – Section 8 Tenant-based Assistance Program Statutory Provisions
PIH 98-63 (TDHE)
(Adobe PDF, 3 pages)
Issued: 12/18/98
Expires: 12/31/99
Dwelling Construction and Equipment (DC&E) Costs for Affordable Housing under the Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA)
PIH 98-62 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 14 pages)
Issued: 12/15/98
Expires: 09/30/99
Fiscal Year 1999 Renewal of Expiring Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation (Mod Rehab) Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Contracts
PIH 98-61 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 1 page)
Issued: 12/10/98
Expires: 12/31/99
Public Officials Liability
PIH 98-60 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 4 pages)
Issued: 12/04/98
Expires: 12/31/99
Grant Closeout Procedures
PIH 98-59 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 2 pages)
Issued: 12/03/98
Expires: 12/31/99
Byrd Amendment Requirement for Anti-Lobbying Certification
PIH 98-58 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 1 page)
Issued: 12/01/98
Expires: 11/30/99
Extension - Notice PIH 97-59 (HA), Restrictions on Leasing Additional Units - Budget Guidance
PIH 98-57 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 13 pages)
Issued: 12/01/98
Expires: 12/31/99
FY 1999 Performance Funding System (PFS) Inflation Factor and Equation
PIH 98-56 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 2 pages)
Issued: 11/20/98
Expires: 11/30/99
Treatment of Income Received from Training Programs - Housing Authority Responsibilities
PIH 98-55 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 1 page)
Issued: 11/12/98
Expires: 09/30/99
Extension - Notice PIH 97-57 (HA), Section 8 Certificate and Moderate Rehabilitation Programs - Rent Adjustments
PIH 98-54 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 2 pages)
Issued: 11/05/98
Expires: 11/30/99
Lead-Based Paint (LBP) Disclosure requirements for Public and Indian Housing and Section 8 Rental Programs
PIH 98-53 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 1 page)
Issued: 10/28/98
Expires: 09/30/99
Extension - PIH 97-53 (HA), Inter-agency Agreement with the Army Corps of Engineers to Conduct Public Housing Development/Major Reconstruction of Obsolete Public Housing (MROP) Inspections/Reviews on Behalf of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)
PIH 98-52 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 3 pages)
Issued: 10/28/98
Expires: 04/30/99
Unavailability of HUDCAPS During December 1998
PIH 98-51 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 1 page)
Issued: 10/20/98
Expires: 09/30/99
Extension - Notice PIH 97-51 (HA), Policies and Procedures for Using Modernization Funds for Development Activities and Development Funds for Modernization Activities, and Modernization and Development Funds for Operations
PIH 98-50 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 4 pages)
Issued: 10/06/98
Expires: 10/31/99
Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP) Final Rule and Certification Form - HUD Form 52648
PIH 98-49 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 1 page)
Issued: 10/06/98
Expires: 10/31/99
Transmittal of the New Demolition/Disposition Application - HUD Form 52860
PIH 98-48 (HUD)
(Adobe PDF, 4 pages)
Issued: 09/28/98
Expires: 09/30/99
Management and Retention of Section 8 Financial Records
PIH 98-47 (ONAP)
(Adobe PDF, 3 pages)
Issued: 09/04/98
Expires: 09/30/99
Annual Performance Report
PIH 98-46 (HA)
Issued: 09/01/98
Expires: 09/30/99
Reinstatement of Notice PIH 96-33 (HA), Required HA Cash Management and Investment Policies and Procedures
PIH 98-45 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 3 pages)
Issued: 09/01/98
Expires: 09/30/99
Implementation of the Grants Management Center (GMC)
PIH 98-44 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 1 page)
Issued: 08/28/98
Expires: 05/31/99
Additional Review Responsibilities for the Special Application Center (SAC)
PIH 98-43 (HUD)
(Adobe PDF, 32 pages)
Issued: 07/31/98
Expires: 07/31/99
Processing of Grant Applications for Fiscal Year (FY) 1998 SUPERNOFA - Public and Indian Housing Economic Development and Supportive Services Program (EDSS)
PIH 98-42 (HUD)
(Adobe PDF, 42 pages)
Issued: 07/31/98
Expires: 07/31/99
Processing of Grant Applications for Fiscal Year (FY) 1998 SUPERNOFA - Public Housing Tenant Opportunities Program (TOP)
PIH 98-41 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 8 pages)
Issued: 07/23/98
Expires: 07/31/99
Ceiling Rents in Public Housing
PIH 98-40 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 3 pages)
Issued: 07/22/98
Expires: 07/31/99
Revised Form HUD-52599, Statement of Operating Receipts and Expenditures, and availability of electronic transmission. See also attachments Revised Form HUD-52599 Form HUD-52599, Line Item Changes - May 1998 Revision PIH Technical Accounting Guide.
PIH 98-39 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 99 pages)
Issued: 07/14/98
Expires: 07/31/99
Processing of Grant Applications for Fiscal Year (FY) 1998 SUPERNOFA - Drug Elimination in Public and Assisted Housing Programs
PIH 98-38 (ONAP)
(Adobe PDF, 4 pages)
Issued: 07/09/98
Expires: 07/31/99
Procedures to Avoid Displacement of Section 8 Program Participants Receiving Rental Assistance from Indian Housing Authorities
PIH 98-37 (HUD)
(Adobe PDF, 9 pages)
Issued: 07/07/98
Expires: 09/30/98
Section 8 Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program Coordinators - FY 1998 Processing Instructions, NOFA FR-4358
PIH 98-36 (ONAP)
(Adobe PDF, 11 pages)
Issued: 06/26/98
Expires: 06/30/99
Line of Credit Control System/Voice Response System (LOCCS/VRS) for the Indian Housing Block Grant Program
PIH 98-35 (HUD)
Issued: 06/01/98
Expires: 09/30/99
Processing Public Housing Agency (PHA) Applications for the Family Unification Program (FUP), NOFA FR-4360. See also attachments Attachment 1 Application Review Checklist (3 Pages) Attachment 2 HUD Notification Letter.
PIH 98-34 (HUD)
Issued: 06/22/98
Expires: 09/30/99
Processing Public Housing Agency (PHA) Applications for Section 8 Rental Vouchers and Certificates For Disabled Families Under the Mainstream Program, NOFA FR-4359. See also attachment 1 Application Review Checklist (3 Pages) Attachment 2 HUD Notification Letter
PIH 98-33 (HUD)
Issued: 06/22/98
Expires: 09/30/99
Processing Public Housing Agency (PHA) Applications for Section 8 Rental Vouchers and Certificates For Non-Elderly Disabled Families In Connection With Certain Section 8 Project-Based Developments and Certain Section 202, Section 221(d)(3), and Section 236 Developments, NOFA FR-4359. See also attachment 1 Application Review Checklist (3 Pages) Attachment 2 HUD Notification Letter.
PIH 98-32 (HA)
Expires: 09/30/98
Changes to Notice Notice PIH 98-20 (HA) , Instructions for Obtaining FBI Criminal History Record Information
PIH 98-31 (HA)
Issued: 06/02/98
Expires: 09/30/99
Clarification to Notice PIH 98-27 (HA), Procedures for Calculating Earned Administrative Fees in the Section 8 Rental Certificate, Rental Voucher, and Moderate Rehabilitation Programs
PIH 98-30 (HA)
Issued: 05/29/98
Expires: 05/31/99
Responsibility to begin transmission of new Form HUD-50058, Family Report, on June 1, 1998
PIH 98-29 (IHA)
(Adobe PDF, 2 pages)

Dwelling Construction and Equipment (DC&E) Costs for Affordable Housing under the Native American Housing and Self-Determination Act of 1996 (NAHASDA), Issued May 27, 1998. See also, attachment.

PIH 98-28 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 2 pages)
Issued: 05/12/98
Expires: 05/31/99
Implementation of the Special Application Center (SAC)
PIH 98-27 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 5 pages)
Issued: 04/24/98
Expires: 09/30/98
Procedures for Calculating Earned Administrative Fees in the Section 8 Rental Certificate, Rental Voucher, and Moderate Rehabilitation Programs
PIH 98-26 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 2 pages)
Issued: 04/24/98
Expires: 04/30/99
Reinstatement - Notice PIH 97-13 (HA), Lease-Purchase Agreements in the Section 8 Tenant-Based Rental Voucher and Certificate Programs
PIH 98-25 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 1 page)
Issued: 04/23/98
Expires: 12/31/98
Renewal of Expiring Contracts in the Section 8 Rental Certificate and Rental Voucher Programs during Fiscal Year 1998
PIH 98-24 (HA)
Issued: 04/20/98
Expires: 04/30/99
Reinstatement - Notice PIH 97-12 (HA), Requirements for Designation of Public Housing Projects
PIH 98-23 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 3 pages)
Issued: 04/13/98
Expires: 04/30/99
Public Housing Development Cost Limits. See also attachment Total Development Cost Limits PDF Format: Part 1 and Part 2.
PIH 98-22 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 1 page)
Issued: 04/10/98
Expires: 04/30/99
Amending Section 8 Annual Contribution Contracts to Add Budget Authority for Additional Authorized Units
PIH 98-21 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 9 pages)
Issued: 04/21/98
Expires: 04/30/99
Revised Consolidated Annual Contributions Contract for the Section 8 Rental Certificate and Rental Voucher Programs Form HUD 52520
PIH 98-20 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 8 pages)
Issued: 04/07/98
Expires: 04/30/99
Instructions For Obtaining FBI Criminal History Record Information
PIH 98-19 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 21 pages)
Issued: 04/03/98
Expires: 04/30/99
Tenant-Based Rental Vouchers or Certificates for Eligible Residents of Preservation Eligible Projects Approved for Prepayment of the Mortgage or Voluntary Termination of the Mortgage Insurance in Federal FY 1998
PIH 98-18 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 2 pages)
Issued: 03/19/98
Expires: 02/28/99
Correction to Notice PIH 98-13 (HA) - Form HUD-50058 - Special Instructions for the Section 8 Certificate Over-FMR Tenancy Option (OFTO)
PIH 98-17 (IHA)
(Adobe PDF, 15 pages)
Issued: 03/12/98
Expires: 03/31/99
Native American Housing Assistance and Self-Determination Act Advance Funding for Tribes or Tribally Designated Housing Entities with an Indian Housing Authority having a Fiscal Year End Date of December 31, 1997, March 31, 1998, and June 30, 1998, Issued March 12, 1998. SF-1199A - Direct Deposit Sign-Up Form Form HUD-27054 Form HUD-52734A Tribal Resolution (contained in the notice)
PIH 98-16 (PHA)
Issued: 03/11/98
Expires: 03/31/99
Reinstatement - Notice PIH 95-58 (HA), Guidelines for Creating, Implementing and Managing Public Housing Authority Police Departments in Public Housing Authorities
PIH 98-15 (HA)
Issued: 02/26/98
Expires: 02/28/99
Extension - Notice PIH 97-5 (HA), Grant Closeout Procedures; Notice PIH 97-9 (HA), Grant Closeout Procedures, Addendum
PIH 98-14 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 8 pages)
Issued: 02/24/98
Expires: 02/28/99
Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996: Information for Public Housing Agencies and Indian Housing Entities, Issued February 24, 1998. Attachment A/B (10Kb) - Comparison of Old and New Audit Provisions Attachment C - Single Audit Information Sources Attachment D - Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) Numbers for 1997 PIH Programs
PIH 98-13 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 6 pages)
Issued: 02/24/98
Expires: 02/28/99
Form HUD-50058 - Special Instructions for the Section 8 Certificate Over-FMR Tenancy Option (OFTO)
PIH 98-12 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 10 pages)
Issued: 02/13/98
Expires: 12/31/98
Renewal of Expiring Contracts in the Section 8 Rental Certificate and Rental Voucher Programs during Fiscal Year 1998
PIH 98-11 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 8 pages)
Issued: 02/03/98
Expires: 12/31/98
Fiscal Year 1998 Financial Management Requirements for Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Program (Mod Rehab) Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) Contract Expirations, Issued February 3, 1998. Instructions for FY 1998 MOD REHAB Housing Authority Determination Renewal/Replacement Needs.
PIH 98-10 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 1 page)
Issued: 02/03/98
Expires: 01/31/99
Extension - Notice PIH 97-3 (HUD), Revised Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) Amendment Forms for Public Housing Development
PIH 98-9 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 1 page)
Issued: 02/03/98
Expires: 01/31/99
Extension - Notice PIH 97-8 (HA), Environmental Review: Public Housing and 24 CFR Part 58
PIH 98-8 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 1 page)
Extension - Notice PIH 97-7 (HA), Lead-Based Paint Liability Insurance in the Public Housing and Indian Housing Programs.
PIH 98-7 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 7 pages)
Issued: 01/31/98
Expires: 01/31/99
Semi-Annual HUDWEB Data Collection (Reporting) Form Instructions for Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) and Indian Housing Authorities (IHAs) selected for funding under the PIH Economic Development and Supportive Services Program (EDSS) in Fiscal Years 1996, Issued January 30, 1998. User Instructions and Letter from the Assistant Secretary
PIH 98-6 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 1 page)
Issued: 01/29/98
Expires: 01/31/99
Clarification of Notice PIH 97-60 (HA), Responsibility for Completion of the Form HUD-50058, Family Report
PIH 98-5 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 1 page)
Issued: 01/28/98
Expires: 01/31/99
Revised Requirements for submission of Form HUD-52599 to HUD Headquarters
PIH 98-4 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 11 pages)
Issued: 01/26/98
Expires: 10/01/98
Public Housing, Native American and Section 8 Fiscal Year 1998 Appropriations Act and Balanced Budget Act of 1997 Provisions
PIH 98-3 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 2 pages)
Issued: 01/16/98
Expires: 01/31/99
Recapture of Section 8 Program Reserves
PIH 98-2 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 19 pages)
Issued: 01/12/98
Expires: 01/31/99
Treatment of Income Received from Training Programs
PIH 98-1 (HA)
(Adobe PDF, 1 page)
Issued: 01/06/98
Expires: 12/31/98
Extension - Notice PIH 96-92 (HA), Lead-Based Paint (LBP) Disclosure Rule Requirements for Public and Indian Housing and Section 8 Rental Certificate, Rental Voucher and Moderate Rehabilitation Programs

See Also:

2002 PIH Notices > 2001 PIH Notices > 2000 PIH Notices > 1999 PIH Notices > 1998 PIH Notices > 1997 PIH Notices > 1996 PIH Notices > PIH Notices 1994-1995

Content updated March 26, 2002   Follow this link to go  Back to top   
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